advanced example cameleonman export option from 3ds max

what option is good for cameleonan max file from 3ds max…

export skinning data

bone indices unsigned byte A0,

bone weights unsigned byte A0

create tangent space

tangent float A0,A1,A2

bionormal float A0,A1,A2

export animations

index animation data

with above option, shaman rendered,

but application shows

Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable ‘amBoneWorld’ was corrupted.

Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable ‘afBoneWorldIT’ was corrupted.

Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable ‘mBoneIT’ was corrupted.

any idea?

Hi Chlee1234,

If you look at the ChameleonMan example’s POD file, you are able to load the options used directly from them. You can select the POD file when loading a configuration profile, and by doing so it will change all the settings to those originally used. These will be suitable for re-exporting unless you’ve made significant changes to the data.

