Cannot redirect the GLES library link to PVRTune's

hi there…

I have trying to use the PVRTune(LinuxX86 package) tracer on my linux device(SGX 535) for the graphic analysis.

however, I cannot redirect my apps’s graphic library to the PVRTrace by check it with ldd command.

( I’d export the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to where the PVRTrace libraries is, and the ‘pvrtrace.cfg’ do created after I execute my Apps first time. )

Can anyone give me a clue where I did it wrong?

Here is my test environments:

(*) EGL/GLES library link of my Apps: => /usr/lib/ (0x4e2c8000) => /usr/lib/ (0x4f3f5000)

(*)device EGL/GLES library under /usr/lib/ :

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root ->

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root -> pvr/platform/

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root ->

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root ->

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root ->

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root -> pvr/mrst/

(*) Also changed the lib path in pvrtrace.cfg to link as my apps does:

[root@localhost ]# cat pvrtrace.cfg


EglLibraryPath = /usr/lib/

Es1LibraryPath = /usr/lib/

Es2LibraryPath = /usr/lib/

Hi maceo,

The problem is likely that your app is looking for symbolic links with specific names, which won’t appear in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I’d suggest generating sym links for the pvrtrace libraries so that the names match up (i.e. ->, ->

This should solve the problem, and allow you to use PVRTrace correctly.



thanks…that do helps me to fixed the link issue!

BTW, Can PVRTrace run in the user mode(not root user)?

( there will have a file open error happens(must be opening the trace.pvrt) and caused the test apps terminated when I run it in general user mode. )

Hi maceo,

It can run in user mode, you just need to make sure that the “TraceFile” key in the pvrtrace.cfg points to a location that the application can write to at run time. If you don’t have a pvrtrace.cfg set up already then this may also be causing a problem, so you may need to create this file manually as root as well. Once that’s all done then you should be good to go in user mode.



Hi Tobias

the problem is resolved!

Although I’ve still met a segment fault (dmesg:error 4 in when I launch some specific apps written by QT, I might need to figure out the root cause of the fault in next stage.

Anyway, I have to thanks you for the clue ^____.^maceo19752011-10-12 08:04:47

Hi maceo,

Glad that worked for you - we’re still working on the kinks in trace, the chances are that the apps that cause these problems are simply putting a lot of strain on the trace library. In some cases this can cause problems. If you would be able to send us ( either a binary app or some test code which causes this issue (or both!) we will be able to look at fixing the issues you’re seeing.



dear Tobias
I am afraid not able to send you due to it is confidential concerning.
very sorry about that! Confused (I wish I could!)
Actually, I can run glmark2-es benchmark and log GLES API with PVRTrace without error on my side.
I will send to you if I have meet the same kind of issue on a free GLES benchmark or apps.

thanks you again! Sleepy

Hi Maceo,

Fair enough, if you do keep running into problems though it might be possible to set up some sort of NDA if this becomes an issue for you. Let us know via email if this is something you’d like us to do.

