CompressPVR Fails

Having issues with CompressPVR(). I must be doing something wrong in my setup, I just cannot get this to work, I keep getting the following exception thrown:

> "PVRTC compressor invoked with unknown mode"

I am working with a simple 8888, trying to get it to PVRTC4. Anyone run into this before?

Here is what I am working with:



      PVRTextureUtilities* instance = PVRTextureUtilities::getPointer();

      CPVRTexture origTxt(width, height, 0, 1, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, eInt8StandardPixelType, 0.0f, (uint8*)pData);

      CPVRTexture sCompressedTexture(origTxt);


      if (instance->ProcessRawPVR(origTxt, sCompressedTexture.getHeader()))


        instance->CompressPVR(origTxt, sCompressedTexture);



   catch (PVRException& e)


