I am trying to run the training tutorials apps on android platform. when i try to compile native code…using ndk-build i am getting the following error
~/SDKPackage_OGLES2/TrainingCourse/IntroducingPVRTools/OGLES2/Build/Android$ ~/android-ndk-r5c/ndk-build
Invalid attribute name:
Compile++ thumb : PVRShell <= OGLES2IntroducingPVRTools.cpp
Compile++ thumb : PVRShell <= PVRShell.cpp
Compile++ thumb : PVRShell <= PVRShellAPI.cpp
Compile++ thumb : PVRShell <= PVRShellOS.cpp
/usr/bin/make -C /home/manu/SDKPackage_OGLES2/TrainingCourse/IntroducingPVRTools/OGLES2 -f content.mak PVRTEXTOOL=/home/manu/SDKPackage_OGLES2/Utilities/PVRTexTool/PVRTexToolCL/Linux_x86_32/PVRTexTool FILEWRAP=/home/manu/SDKPackage_OGLES2/Utilities/Filewrap/Linux_x86_32/Filewrap PVRUNISCO=/home/manu/SDKPackage_OGLES2/Utilities/PVRUniSCo/OGLES/Linux_x86_32/PVRUniSCo_SGX53x
make[1]: Entering directory /home/manu/SDKPackage_OGLES2/TrainingCourse/IntroducingPVRTools/OGLES2'<br /> <br />/home/manu/SDKPackage_OGLES2/Utilities/PVRUniSCo/OGLES/Linux_x86_32/PVRUniSCo_SGX53x FragShader.fsh FragShader.fsc -f<br /> <br />Success.<br /> <br />/home/manu/SDKPackage_OGLES2/Utilities/Filewrap/Linux_x86_32/Filewrap -s -o Content/FragShader.cpp FragShader.fsh<br /> <br />/home/manu/SDKPackage_OGLES2/Utilities/Filewrap/Linux_x86_32/Filewrap -oa Content/FragShader.cpp FragShader.fsc<br /> <br />Could not open FragShader.fsc for reading<br /> <br />make[1]: [Content/FragShader.cpp] Error 1 (ignored)<br /> <br />/home/manu/SDKPackage_OGLES2/Utilities/PVRUniSCo/OGLES/Linux_x86_32/PVRUniSCo_SGX53x VertShader.vsh VertShader.vsc -v<br /> <br />Success.<br /> <br />/home/manu/SDKPackage_OGLES2/Utilities/Filewrap/Linux_x86_32/Filewrap -s -o Content/VertShader.cpp VertShader.vsh<br /> <br />/home/manu/SDKPackage_OGLES2/Utilities/Filewrap/Linux_x86_32/Filewrap -oa Content/VertShader.cpp VertShader.vsc<br /> <br />Could not open VertShader.vsc for reading<br /> <br />make[1]: [Content/VertShader.cpp] Error 1 (ignored)<br /> <br />make[1]: Leaving directory
Compile++ thumb : PVRShell <= Image.cpp
Compile++ thumb : PVRShell <= FragShader.cpp
Compile++ thumb : PVRShell <= VertShader.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTPrint3DAPI.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTgles2Ext.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTTextureAPI.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTBackground.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTPFXParserAPI.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTShader.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTFixedPoint.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTMatrixF.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTMisc.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTTrans.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTVertex.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTModelPOD.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTDecompress.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTTriStrip.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTTexture.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTPrint3D.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTResourceFile.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTString.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTPFXParser.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTShadowVol.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTVector.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTError.cpp
Compile++ thumb : ogles2tools <= PVRTQuaternionF.cpp
StaticLibrary : libstdc++.a
StaticLibrary : libogles2tools.a
SharedLibrary : libPVRShell.so
Install : libPVRShell.so => libs/armeabi/libPVRShell.so
and eventually when i try to run this app on my device … it says the process stopped unexpectedly
manubr wrote:
I am trying to run the training tutorials apps on android platform. when i try to compile native code..using ndk-build i am getting the following error
The errors mentioned are normal as the glsl compiler packaged with the SDK doesn't output binary shader files so the file wrapping of them fails. Fortunately, as mentioned in your output these errors are ignored and the build carries on as if nothing happened. Looking at the very last line it seems the C++ part of the tutorial has built successfully. Would it be possible for you to post the logcat output from running your built example? Also, which platform are you using and do the .apks that come with the SDK run fine?