IntroducingPVRUtilsGLES on Beagleboard X15


I’m having issues with running the SDK example IntroducingPVRUtilsGLES on my Beagleboard X15 that I’m not quite sure how to debug.

My setup:
Processor: AM572x General Purpose EVM (aka Beagleboard X15), with SGX544
OS: TI’s AM57xx EVM Linux image (
PowerVR SDK Version: 5.6@3f88b0f
Window System: Wayland

I have been able to compile and execute HelloAPI and IntroducingPVRShell examples successfully. All of the framework libraries necessary (PVRAssets, PVRCore, PVRSHell, and PVRUtilsGLES) have been built and deployed.

Here’s my console output, with the errors I’m encountering in bold. The application errors in a segmentation fault.

root@am57xx-evm:~# Unable to open ‘/dev/tty’
Successfully connected the Wayland display
Successfully retrieved the Wayland registry
Successfully retrieved the Wayland compositor
Successfully create the Wayland surface
Successfully create the Wayland shell surface
Host library ‘’ loaded
EGL Bindings: Successfully loaded library
Trying to create context for all configs.
Failed to create context for any configs. Tried 0 configs.
OpenGL ES 3.1 NOT supported. Trying lower version…
Trying to create context for all configs.
Failed to create context for any configs. Tried 0 configs.
OpenGL ES 3.0 NOT supported. Trying lower version…
Trying to create context for all configs.
EGL context creation: EGL_KHR_create_context supported
SUCCESS creating context! Reporting success. (Used config #0) .
Maximum API level detected: OpenGL ES 2.0
Requested minimum API level : OpenGL ES 2.0. Will actually create OpenGL ES 2.0 since it is supported.
EGL context creation: EGL_KHR_create_context supported…
Trying to get OpenGL ES version : 2.0
EGL context creation: EGL_IMG_context_priority not supported. Ignoring context Priority attribute.
EGL context creation: Number of EGL Configs found: 1
Creating EGL context…
EGL Initialized Successfully
=== Final EGL Configuration ===
RedBits: 8
GreenBits: 8
BlueBits: 8
AlphaBits: 8
DepthBits: 24
StencilBits: 8
aaSamples: 0
FullScreen: false

[EglContext::init] sRGB window backbuffer requested, but EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace is not supported. Creating linear RGB backbuffer.
Host library ‘’ loaded
OpenGL ES Bindings: Successfully loaded library for OpenGL ES 2.0

PVR:(Error): PVRDisplayBufferCreate: Failed to create display buffer (err=22) [0, ]
PVR:(Error): PVRDRIPlaneCreate: Failed to create share/scanout/cursor buffer [0, ]
PVR:(Error): PVRDRIBufferCreate: Failed to create plane [0, ]
CreateImageShared: Failed to create buffer
PVRImageDrawableGetNativeInfo: Image get buffers call failed

I have also built the SDK for Windows, and am not getting these errors.

Are there any recommendations as to how to debug this issue? I believe these errors happen after the call to MakeCurrent in EglPlatformContext.cpp (line 1107) but that’s as much visibility as I have.

Please let me know if more information is required.

Thank you,

Hi, Please disregard this post. I had forgotten to compile PVRAssets with the Wayland preprocessor definition, so EGL was returning an EGL_BAD_MATCH error. I quickly debugged it and now I’m passed this error. I will leave it here in case anyone else encounters this issue.

Happy New Year!