PVRTexLib 2.10 linker error


I have downloaded the latest version PVRTexLib_REL_2.10@839873.tar.gz
and when compiling using visual studio 2010, 32 bit, dll version I get this error:

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol “public: __thiscall pvrtexture::PixelType::PixelType(unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char)” (??0PixelType@pvrtexture@@QAE@EEEEEEEE@Z) referenced in function “void __cdecl pvrtexture::`dynamic initializer for ‘PVRStandard8PixelType’’(void)”(??__EPVRStandard8PixelType@pvrtexture@@YAXXZ)

I have this code:

        // source texture
        PVRTextureHeaderV3 header;
        header.u64PixelFormat = pvrtexture::PVRStandard8PixelType.PixelTypeID;
        header.u32ChannelType = ePVRTVarTypeUnsignedByteNorm;
        header.u32Width = size.x;
        header.u32Height = size.y;

        pvrtexture::CPVRTexture texture(header, myPixelData);

Any Ideas?

by the way the symbol ??0PixelType@pvrtexture@@QAE@EEEEEEEE@Z occurs in the lib version, but not in the dll version

Hi Jochen,

I’ll have a look, it sounds like I’ve missed off a dllexport define somewhere though, if this is the case I’ll sort out an update asap.



Hi Jochen,

Yes this is the case, I’ve updated the header file and will get the update on the website as soon as possible.

In the meantime, there is a workaround. There are macros in Tools/PVRTTexture.h called PVRTGENPIXELIDn (n=1,2,3 or 4) which you can use instead. These work in the same way and will output a 64-bit integer PixelID which you can use in the same way. These macros are also useful as they can pre-compute the pixelID at compile time if constant values are used.



I'm also getting the same issue. Unfortunately I don't think I can use the workaround as just including "PVRTexture.h" from PVRTexLib causes this link issue with the DLL version of the library. If I try using the static version I'm presented with:

fatal error LNK1241: resource file PVRTexLib.lib(PVRTexLib.res) already specified

any ideas on this one? (I'm using the 32-bit Windows libraries)

Cheers,- Richard

Hi Richard,

I assume you're trying to link PVRTexLib into another static library? Apparently Visual Studio doesn't like having .res files compiled for both your static lib and ours at the same time. It might be alleviated by going to Configuration Properties->Resources->Culture and setting it to "<inherit from parent or project defaults>. The resources in PVRTexLib are only included by accident though - the dll and static libs build from the same project. I'll exclude the res file from future builds and post it to the website alongside the dll fix when it's ready.



P.S I assume these are the only linker errors you're getting? I can't see any further problems when linking with the dll or lib on my end, but thought I should just check to see if you have any others?

Tobias2012-03-15 17:36:13

Hi Tobias,
Yep, that's exactly the problem. Removing the res from your lib would be great. Any ETA on the new build or is it possible to get an intermediate build?
Yep, as far as I'm aware those are the only linker issues.
- Richard

Hi Richard,

As we’ve only just released and this is a brand new library in terms of interface and build, I’m going to deliberately hold off for a few more days to make sure I integrate as much developer feedback as soon as possible - and catch any other problems in the process. Hopefully I’ll get it up some time next week though.



Ok, thanks Tobias.
One more question: there doesn't appear to be a 64-bit MacOS version of the libraries - they would be handy if you could provide them too?
- Richard

Hi Richard,

The MacOS binaries we provide, unless explicitly saying “x86_32” are universal binaries, and contain both 32 and 64 bit versions of the libraries. You can link with these libraries in your 64-bit apps with exactly the same file you use for 32-bit, which will be handled by the linker transparently.



Tobias wrote:
Hi Richard,

As we've only just released and this is a brand new library in terms of interface and build, I'm going to deliberately hold off for a few more days to make sure I integrate as much developer feedback as soon as possible - and catch any other problems in the process. Hopefully I'll get it up some time next week though.



It would help me if you release the fixes sooner, I need to upgrade our old SDK right now and I have to decide if I'm going to use this completely-revised pvrtexlib or the older one in 2.9.  Both seem to have known bugs.

Hi Kris,

I’ll be pushing an updated version to the website which fixes these bugs either today or tomorrow. I’ll post here once it’s up.



Hi all,

Just to let you know, versions of PVRTexLib/PVRTexTool have been uploaded that should fix these issues. If there are any problems please let me know! :slight_smile:



Tobias wrote:
Hi all,

Just to let you know, versions of PVRTexLib/PVRTexTool have been uploaded that should fix these issues. If there are any problems please let me know! :)



Thanks for your responsiveness, it's a tremendous help to not have to wait 6+ months for the next major release to get bug fixes (unlike some other vendors who shall go unnamed :)