Is there an exemple of skinning on android with openGL ES1.1?
I use Matrix Palette extension for iPhone, is it possible with android?
Is there an exemple of skinning on android with openGL ES1.1?
I use Matrix Palette extension for iPhone, is it possible with android?
Matrix palette should be supported on Android devices with our graphics IP* but we don't include an example of it in our SDK as there doesn't seem to be a recommended way of getting the new functions that GL_OES_matrix_palette adds without eglGetProcAddress. I'm not saying you can't get them just that the methods to do so seem like hacks. If you do want to get them though one way is to get the function pointers directly from libGLESv1_CM.so yourself but I'm not sure this will work on all devices or continue to work in the future.
* I can't speak for other devices.
Thanks for your answer, I’m not sure I’ve well understood ( I’m not an expert as you can see…) but using Matrix Palette is not recommended so what is the best way to do skinning on android? CPU Skinning?
Thanking you in advance,
If you aren’t using matrix palette then the alternative would be to use CPU skinning.
Thanks a lot for all your answers!!!