Just curious if anyone knows whether VTF is supported on SGX devices (independent of whether not the drivers supplied for specific phones/etc. using the GPU expose it in their OpenGL ES 2.0 implementation).
Many thanks!
Yes, SGX supports vertex texture fetch.
Hello Georg (and company)
attribute vec2 inTexCoord;
uniform highp sampler2D heightMap;
varying highp vec2 varTexCoords;
highp float height = texture2D( heightMap, inTexCoord ).x;
newPos.y = height * 128.0;
varWorldPos = newPos;
varying highp vec2 varTexCoords;
uniform highp sampler2D heightMap;
highp vec4 color = texture2D( heightMap, varTexCoords );
highp float h = varWorldPos.y / 128.0;
gl_FragColor = vec4( color.r, color.g, color.b, h );
BTW, glGetString reports “OpenGL ES 2.0 (SDK build:”
Please download newer version of our SDK from Insider SDK ( and download most recent PVRVFrame(pcemulation) from Insider Utilities ( Let us now if this solves your problem.
Thanks for link Jacek.
If your card only supports shader model 2 then vertex shader fetches aren’t going to work on your system at all, never mind under PVRVFrame. The emulation is limited by the capabilities of your graphics hardware. Your only option is to upgrade the card.
Yes, and when the IT department gave me my new machine ~ 3 months ago they said it had a high performance graphics card in it. . .lol
BTW, the project works on my home machine. . .