Bugs in PVRFrame

Using latest PVRFrame (r2) when I execute the following code on OSX :

glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VARYING_VECTORS,(GLint *)&mMaxVaryingVectors);GL_ErrorCheck();

glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS,(GLint *)&mMaxFragmentUniformVectors);GL_ErrorCheck();

glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS,(GLint *)&mMaxVertexUniformVectors);GL_ErrorCheck();

I get errors in the form of:

(Error) The following error occurred in glGetIntegerv: (500) GL_INVALID_ENUM

12:36:27 glError:0x0500

( repeated for each glGetIntegerv query)

This only occurs for certain GL_MAX enums , majority of them work fine.

The same code works just fine with no errors on my Win32 machine with Win32 version of PVRFrame.

My MacBook pro is equipped with :

Chipset Model: NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M

Also , somewhat unrelated question.

The PVRFrame GUI allows for debug wireframe rendering … can I enable the same functionality using just emulation libs ?

Hi Warmi

Since OSX doesn’t support OpenGL 4 we are limited by how much we can emulate. The emulator is trying to pass those tokens straight through to OpenGL and since they are not supported it’s reporting errors. I’ll look into supporting those tokens on OpenGL 3 systems in the future.

The PVRFrame GUI allows for debug wireframe rendering ... can I enable the same functionality using just emulation libs ?

Not currently but I'll add a feature request for it!

Actually, there is no really need for direct enabling wireframe rendering … I never used the GUI tool that comes with the SDK so I didn’t realize I can toggle this settings thru that tool …