BXM-8-256 - Long list of driver issues

Hi Dante.M256 and welcome to the PowerVR Developer Forum!

First of all thanks for your message and for reporting the issues you are experiencing.

I would like to shed some light regarding those issues. PowerVR drivers pass all conformant tests in order to be used by our customers, who also test correct functionality on their side. Additionally, Web browsing, 2D and 3D applications and video games, multimedia and many other areas are tested in a large list of applications, including the most relevant ones on Android.

Graphical applications need to take each GPU architecture into account when being developed in order to support it. This applies to PowerVR as well and it might happen that some WebGL applications are not taking our GPUs into account. Regarding the Dolphin emulator not opening, it might be that Dolphin currently does not support our new Volcanic architecture present on BXM GPUs like the one on your phone (I can see plenty of examples of this emulator running fine on PowerVR GPUs from our previous architecture, like GE8300).

In order to diagnose whether the issues you are experiencing are driver errors or application-related errors I would ask please to provide the information below per issue so we can try to reproduce the exact error:

  • Web browser used, version and URL in case of a web-based issue. APK link in the Play Store in case of an application-related issue.
  • Description of the issue or an explanatory picture.
  • Reproduction steps.
  • Logcat output as a text file.
  • Android OS version.
  • PowerVR driver version (you can see how to obtain that information with the Aida64 apk, see more information in Vulkan: vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2 crashes on PowerVR 8300 - #4 by AlejandroC ).

Could you also please provide this information for the Copilot screenshot where there are wrongly displayed icons?

Also, even if developers target a specific platform, there might be particularities they are not aware which can lead to errors that look like a driver issue. For instance, some GPUs add a layer of driver robustness, transparent to the developer and the application, which avoids common errors like buffer access out of bounds. If that layer is not present in other GPUs like PowerVR, an application can fail on PowerVR and give the impression that it is a driver error while it is really an application error.

Lastly, regarding the information in chrome://gpu, the errors listed are not being missed, our engineers are working on fixing them in more recent versions of our drivers.

Best regards,