Hi forum,
I have an OpenGL ES 2.0 CG course project, the runs fine on all students laptops, on all iOS 5 devices and on Galaxy S2 (Android 2.3.4) Galaxy Note as well as on HTC Desire HD.
But it doesn’t compile on Nexus S (Android 4.0) and Galax Nexus.
With comments in the GLSL code I got compile errors in all shader. So I wrote a function that strips out the comments (// and /…/ comments). After that most shaders compile successfully except one.
It doesn’t compile and the shader log file is empty. The shader does basically a per pixel lighting for several light sources with texture mapping. If I uncomment the bold line:
gl_FragColor *= texture2D(u_texture0, v_texCoord);
is compiles.
I’m pretty much sure the this line is correct and that the compiler has problem.
Here my specific questions.
1) Who is updating the OpenGL ES 2.0 drivers for Nexus S phones? Is it Samsung or Google?
2) Where can I see the OepnGL ES 2.0 driver version?
3) Can I somehow get more specific error messages?
4) Can I get somewhere updates for the PowerVR SGX 540?
You can get the full project with source at: http://comgr.cs.technik.fhnw.ch/
You install the project from the Android market: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ch.fhnw.comgr
Regards &Thanks for any help
Marcus Hudritsch
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
varying vec3 v_P_VS; // Interpol. point of illum. in view space (VS)
varying vec3 v_N_VS; // Interpol. normal at v_P_VS in view space
varying vec2 v_texCoord; // Interpol. texture coordinate in tex. space
uniform int u_numLightsUsed; // NO. of lights used light arrays
uniform bool u_lightIsOn[8]; // flag if light is on
uniform vec4 u_lightPosVS[8]; // position of light in view space
uniform vec4 u_lightAmbient[8]; // ambient light intensity (Ia)
uniform vec4 u_lightDiffuse[8]; // diffuse light intensity (Id)
uniform vec4 u_lightSpecular[8]; // specular light intensity (Is)
uniform vec3 u_lightDirVS[8]; // spot direction in view space
uniform float u_lightSpotCutoff[8];// spot cutoff angle 1-180 degrees
uniform float u_lightSpotCosCut[8];// cosine of spot cutoff angle
uniform float u_lightSpotExp[8]; // spot exponent
uniform vec3 u_lightAtt[8]; // attenuation (const,linear,quadr.)
uniform bool u_lightDoAtt[8]; // flag if att. must be calc.
uniform vec4 u_globalAmbient; // Global ambient scene color
uniform vec4 u_matAmbient; // ambient color reflection coefficient (ka)
uniform vec4 u_matDiffuse; // diffuse color reflection coefficient (kd)
uniform vec4 u_matSpecular; // specular color reflection coefficient (ks)
uniform vec4 u_matEmissive; // emissive color for selfshining materials
uniform float u_matShininess; // shininess exponent
uniform int u_projection; // type of stereo
uniform int u_stereoEye; // -1=left, 0=center, 1=right
uniform mat3 u_stereoColorFilter; // color filter matrix
uniform sampler2D u_texture0; // Color map
void PointLight (in int i, // OpenGL light number
in vec3 P_VS,// Point of illumination in VS
in vec3 N, // Normalized normal at v_P_VS
in vec3 E, // Normalized vector from v_P_VS to view in VS
inout vec4 Ia, // Ambient light intesity
inout vec4 Id, // Diffuse light intesity
inout vec4 Is) // Specular light intesity
// Vector from v_P_VS to the light in VS
vec3 L = u_lightPosVS.xyz - v_P_VS;
// Calculate attenuation over distance & normalize L
float att = 1.0;
if (u_lightDoAtt)
{ vec3 att_dist;
att_dist.x = 1.0;
att_dist.z = dot(L,L); // = distance * distance
att_dist.y = sqrt(att_dist.z); // = distance
att = 1.0 / dot(att_dist, u_lightAtt);
L /= att_dist.y; // = normalize(L)
} else L = normalize(L);
// Normalized halfvector between N and L
vec3 H = normalize(L+E);
// Calculate diffuse & specular factors
float diffFactor = max(dot(N,L), 0.0);
float specFactor = 0.0;
if (diffFactor!=0.0)
specFactor = pow(max(dot(N,H), 0.0), u_matShininess);
// Calculate spot attenuation
if (u_lightSpotCutoff < 180.0)
{ float spotDot; // Cosine of angle between L and spotdir
float spotAtt; // Spot attenuation
spotDot = dot(-L, u_lightDirVS);
if (spotDot < u_lightSpotCosCut) spotAtt = 0.0;
else spotAtt = max(pow(spotDot, u_lightSpotExp), 0.0);
att *= spotAtt;
// Accumulate light intesities
Ia += att * u_lightAmbient;
Id += att * u_lightDiffuse * diffFactor;
Is += att * u_lightSpecular * specFactor;
void main()
{ vec4 Ia, Id, Is; // Accumulated light intensities at v_P_VS
Ia = vec4(0.0); // Ambient light intesity
Id = vec4(0.0); // Diffuse light intesity
Is = vec4(0.0); // Specular light intesity
vec3 N = normalize(v_N_VS); // A varying normal has not anymore unit length
vec3 E = normalize(-v_P_VS); // Vector from p to the eye
// Early versions of GLSL do not allow uniforms in for loops
for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
{ if (i < u_numLightsUsed && u_lightIsOn)
{ PointLight (i, v_P_VS, N, E, Ia, Id, Is);
// Sum up all the reflected color components
gl_FragColor = u_globalAmbient +
u_matEmissive +
Ia * u_matAmbient +
Id * u_matDiffuse;
// Componentwise multiply w. texture color
gl_FragColor *= texture2D(u_texture0, v_texCoord);
// add finally the specular RGB-part
vec4 specColor = Is * u_matSpecular;
gl_FragColor.rgb += specColor.rgb;