Hw: Renesas R-Car V4H System Evaluation Board Set (White Hawk) with AXM-8-256.
I’m getting this error when calling eglMakeCurrent (all previous egl Calls were succussfull): PVR:(Error): KEGLGetDrawableParameters: No Current thread [599, ] PVR:(Error): GLES3MakeCurrentGC: Invalid write drawable - what do we do? [2616, ] eglMakeCurrent failed (3009).
Hello AlejandroC,
we don’t have PVRCarbon setup yet, but the problem is solved (we were using old egl libraries).
We 're getting now PVR:(Error): IsTextureConsistent: IMGEGLImage is not consistent [4606, ] when we try to load a png file as a texture.
The error you are experiencing seems related to implementation details as I can see in other threads like this one, so the SDK demo might not be 100% compatible with the hardware setup you have.