How can I obtain the faces that make up a mesh?
I know I have to use sFaces. This is a list on indexes to sVertex ?..
Is there an example on how I can get these faces?
Are the face normals calculated and stored by any chance?
I need this for collision detection.
Thank you.
I know I have to use sFaces. This is a list on indexes to sVertex ?...
Is there an example on how I can get these faces?
Are the face normals calculated and stored by any chance?
Thank you very much for your help. I am still trying to figure this out. Please forgive my rookie question I am obviously missing something here. Please enlighten me. How is it that the following line from OGLESIntroducingPOD in the “void OGLESIntroducingPOD::DrawMesh(unsigned int ui32MeshID)” function works?
// Setup pointers
glVertexPointer(Mesh.sVertex.n, VERTTYPEENUM, Mesh.sVertex.nStride, Mesh.sVertex.pData);
According to my debugger Mesh.sVertex.pData is nil !!!
How is this possible? I am confused. Please help.
How is this possible? I am confused. Please help.
Thanks so much Scott, that all makes sense. Right after I got it working, by coincidence, I found that you guys have a file in your SDK that does BoundingBox calculations. You do not use it in your demos that I can tell. But its exactly what i needed.
So I verified my code and things look good.
I am mentioning this in case this helps someone else.
Thanks so much ! fwalker2010-03-02 20:02:15