FSAAMode: PVRShell Unable to make context current

    Hi, I’m using ADS512101 from freescale, which has a MPC5121e CPU with an integrated graphics engine, the PowerVR MBX Lite IP core.
    I write some graphics programs using PowerVR SDK(version downloaded from freescale netsite. It works OK on the target board until adding the prameter “-FSAAMode=2”, giving the following message:

[root@freescale bin]# ./OGLESVirtualInstrument -FSAAMode=2 -info              
Can't open keypad input device (/dev/input/event1)
Can't open remote control input device (/dev/ttyS1)

App name: OGLESVirtualInstrument
SDK version:

Read path:  /usr/local/bin/
Write path: /usr/local/bin/

Command-line: -FSAAMode=2 -info

Power saving: On
FSAAMode requested: 2
Fullscreen: Yes
PBuffer requested: No
ZBuffer requested: Yes
Stencil buffer requested: No
Software rendering requested: No
OpenVG requested: No
Swap Interval requested: 1
PVRShell: EGL 1.2 initialized
Exit message has been set to: "PVRShell: Unable to make context current".
InitAPI failed!
PVRShell: Unable to make context current


    Could anyone give some help? Thanks!