Hi, I have a shader that doesn’t compile on Android MEIZU PRO 7PULS PowerVR 7XTP
glGetShaderInfoLog return
“compile failed” with no error info
Hope someone can shed some light on this…
thank you!
`#version 310 es
#define UE_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch 1
#define INTERFACE_LOCATION(Pos) layout(location=Pos)
#define INTERFACE_BLOCK(Pos, Interp, Modifiers, Semantic, PreType, PostType) layout(location=Pos) Modifiers Semantic { PreType PostType; }
#define HLSLCC_DX11ClipSpace 1
// end extensions
precision mediump float;
precision highp int;
void compiler_internal_AdjustInputSemantic(inout vec4 TempVariable)
#if HLSLCC_DX11ClipSpace
TempVariable.y = -TempVariable.y;
TempVariable.z = ( TempVariable.z + TempVariable.w ) / 2.0;
void compiler_internal_AdjustOutputSemantic(inout vec4 Src)
#if HLSLCC_DX11ClipSpace
Src.y = -Src.y;
Src.z = ( 2.0 * Src.z ) - Src.w;
bool compiler_internal_AdjustIsFrontFacing(bool isFrontFacing)
#if HLSLCC_DX11ClipSpace
return !isFrontFacing;
return isFrontFacing;
uniform vec4 pc0_m[5];
uniform vec4 pu_m[2];
uniform highp sampler2D ps0;
uniform highp sampler2D ps1;
INTERFACE_LOCATION(0) out vec4 out_Target0;
void main()
vec4 v0;
highp vec2 v1;
v1.xy = (in_TEXCOORD1.xyin_TEXCOORD1.zw);
vec2 v2;
highp float f3;
f3 = pc0_m[2].x;
float h4;
h4 = (v1.xf3);
v2.x = (h4+pc0_m[2].y);
highp float f5;
f5 = pc0_m[2].z;
float h6;
h6 = (v1.yf5);
v2.y = (h6+pc0_m[2].w);
vec4 v7;
highp vec2 v8;
v8.xy = v2;
v7.xyzw = texture(ps1,v8);
vec2 v9;
highp vec2 v10;
v10.xy = vec2(5.000000e-01,5.000000e-01);
vec2 v11;
v11.xy = ((v10vec2(-1.000000e+00,-1.000000e+00))+v1);
v9.xy = v11;
vec2 v12;
v12.x = dot(v9,vec2(-4.371139e-08,-1.000000e+00));
v12.y = dot(v9,vec2(1.000000e+00,-4.371139e-08));
vec2 v13;
v13.xy = (v12vec2(2.000000e+00,-2.000000e+00));
float h14;
h14 = floor((pc0_m[3].x+fract((atan(v13.y,v13.x)/6.283185e+00))));
vec2 v15;
highp float f16;
f16 = pc0_m[3].y;
float h17;
h17 = (v1.xf16);
v15.x = (h17+pc0_m[3].z);
highp float f18;
f18 = pc0_m[3].w;
float h19;
h19 = (v1.yf18);
v15.y = (h19+pc0_m[4].x);
vec4 v20;
highp vec2 v21;
v21.xy = v15;
v20.xyzw = texture(ps0,v21);
float h22;
h22 = (1.000000e+00+(-h14));
vec4 v23;
v23.xyz = max((((pc0_m[0].xyzv7.xyz)vec3(h14))+((pc0_m[1].xyzv20.xyz)vec3(h22))),vec3(0.000000e+00,0.000000e+00,0.000000e+00));
v23.w = clamp(((((pc0_m[4].yv7.w)h14)+((pc0_m[4].zv20.w)*h22))pc0_m[4].w),0.000000e+00,1.000000e+00);
vec4 v24;
v24.xyzw = (v23in_COLOR0);
v0.xyzw = v24;
if ((pu_m[1].x!=0.000000e+00))
float h25;
h25 = dot(vec3(3.000000e-01,5.900000e-01,1.100000e-01),v24.xyz);
highp vec3 v26;
highp float f27;
f27 = h25;
v26.x = f27;
highp float f28;
f28 = h25;
v26.y = f28;
highp float f29;
f29 = h25;
v26.z = f29;
highp vec3 v30;
v30.xyz = v24.xyz;
vec3 v31;
v31.xyz = mix(v30,v26,vec3(8.000000e-01,8.000000e-01,8.000000e-01));
v0.xyz = v31;
float h32;
h32 = distance(v0.xyz,vec3(1.000000e-01,1.000000e-01,1.000000e-01));
v0.xyz = mix(v0.xyz,vec3(1.000000e-01,1.000000e-01,1.000000e-01),vec3(clamp(h32,0.000000e+00,8.000000e-01)));
vec4 v33;
v33.xyzw = v0;
if ((pu_m[0].w!=1.000000e+00))
highp vec3 v34;
v34.xyz = v0.xyz;
highp float f35;
f35 = pu_m[0].w;
vec3 v36;
v36.xyz = clamp((((v34+vec3(-2.500000e-01,-2.500000e-01,-2.500000e-01))vec3(f35))+vec3(2.500000e-01,2.500000e-01,2.500000e-01)),vec3(0.000000e+00,0.000000e+00,0.000000e+00),vec3(1.000000e+00,1.000000e+00,1.000000e+00));
v33.xyz = v36;
v0.xyzw = v33;
vec3 v37;
v37.xyz = v33.xyz;
vec3 v38;
v38.xyz = v33.xyz;
if ((pu_m[0].y!=1.000000e+00))
vec3 v39;
v39.xyz = max(vec3(6.103520e-05,6.103520e-05,6.103520e-05),pow(v37,pu_m[0].xxx));
v38.xyz = min((v39vec3(1.292000e+01,1.292000e+01,1.292000e+01)),((pow(max(v39,vec3(3.130670e-03,3.130670e-03,3.130670e-03)),vec3(4.166667e-01,4.166667e-01,4.166667e-01))*vec3(1.055000e+00,1.055000e+00,1.055000e+00))+vec3(-5.500000e-02,-5.500000e-02,-5.500000e-02)));
v0.xyz = v38;
out_Target0.xyzw = v0;