Problem loading Binary Shader

I am using the OpenGLES2 SDK , which I downloaded from your website.

I want to load binary vertex and fragment shaders, precompiled using PVRUniScoEditor tool. I got an error in glShaderBinary function

Error: GL_INVALID_ENUM  // format error


I am using PowerVR SDK in PC Emulation mode using Desktop Nvidia Graphic Processor.

Is there a way to load binary shaders using above hardware specification?



nitinsinghal23 wrote:
I am using PowerVR SDK in PC Emulation mode using Desktop Nvidia Graphic Processor.

Is there a way to load binary shaders using above hardware specification?

No, our OpenGL ES 2.0 PC Emulation does not support binary shaders. Unless you are targeting a single, closed SGX platform you should always provide source shaders as fallback.