I’ve been trying to Resize / GenerateMipmaps for quite a while now without success, the function always returns false.
At a high level, I load my images using the freeimage library, convert them to 32 bit and pass the data pointer my compression routines. There, I create a new CPVRTexture, passing the data pointer and taking great care at setting the PixelFormat / ChannelType correctly.
I can then Transcode the texture correctly to a PVRTCI4Bpp format for example and save the texture without problem.
When I open the pvr with PVRTexToolGUI, the texture is as expected. Perfect.
But as soon as I try to GenerateMipmaps, wether it is before or after the Transcode operation, the function returns false.
I know about the limitations: The texture has to have square power of two dimensions but it never worked.
So I thought my configuration was maybe a bit tricky (it’s a bit more complex than described here) so I decided to start a new project from scratch and test it on a pvr file starting with the sample code from the documentation. The calls to Resize and GenerateMipmaps still return false. This is where I would love some error reporting for instance.
Any ideas ?
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "PVRTexture.h"
#include "PVRTextureUtilities.h"
using namespace pvrtexture;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
bool result;
const char* filePath = "C:\Sparks\AssetsBuild\Froggle\iPhone4\MultiplierJump3X.pvr";
// Open and reads a pvr texture from the file location specified by filePath
CPVRTexture cTexture(filePath);
PixelType PVRTC4BPP( PVRStandard8PixelType ); // Compress to PVRTC 4bpp.
result = Resize(cTexture, 16, 16, 1, eResizeLinear);
// Convert the image to a Normal Map with a scale of 5.0, and y/z/x channel order
result = GenerateNormalMap(cTexture, 5.0, "yzx");
// Generate MIP-map chain
result = GenerateMIPMaps(cTexture, eResizeLinear);
// False colour the MIP-map levels
result = ColourMIPMaps(cTexture);
// Compress to PVRTC 4bpp.
result = Transcode(cTexture, PVRTC4BPP, ePVRTVarTypeUnsignedInteger, ePVRTCSpacelRGB);
// Save the file
result = cTexture.saveFile("C:\Sparks\AssetsBuild\Froggle\iPhone4\MultiplierJump3XM.pvr");
return 0;