hi all,
Hi Jjay,
TexTool will automatically decompress an image to a standard format before it works on it. TexLib simply loads it into memory, so you’ll need to transcode it to a standard format before working on it - (See: PVRTextureFormat.h which contains identifiers for standard formats, which need to be used alongside unsigned, normalised variable types. E.g.
“Transcode( theTexture, PVRStandard8PixelType, ePVRTVarTypeUnsignedByteNorm, ePVRTCSpacelRGB );”).
Once you’ve done this it should work assuming the texture load worked alright - this can be checked by calling “theTexture.getTextureFormat()” which will be equal to “ePVRTPF_NumCompressedPFs” if it’s invalid.
As for the DDS files - this is a bug in previous versions with the dxt decompression routine - if you update to the latest version on the website this issue has been fixed.
Thanks for your reply, its useful!