EDIT: To be sure my C# code or native communication isn’t at fault, I created a C++ project and linked the PVRTexLib there as well, and conducted the same scenarios as described below. I also get the same behaviour and issues with my C++ application. There this problem does not exist due to C# or its native communication currently.
EDIT 2: I also used the Set methods for the PVRHeader, which don’t seem to set the values, since they still return 0 or null.
for my current C# project I wanted to include the PVRTexLib, since I have to transcode raw pixel data from one encoding to another. For that I load the native dll of PVRTexLib (its newest release) and via DllImport attributes I access the exported methods, viewable from the PVRTexLib.hpp.
I now have the problem, that for some reason the library will not return the same pointer to the texture header when I request it from a created texture. Here is what I do to check that
var pvrHeaderPtr = PVRTexLib_CreateTextureHeader(createParams);
var dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
var pvrTexturePtr = PVRTexLib_CreateTexture(pvrHeaderPtr, dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject());
var headerPtr = PVRTexLib_GetTextureHeader(pvrTexture);
If I compare pvrHeaderPtr with headerPtr, then they are not equal. However both seem to work fine, as I can request valid information from both of them. Is the header copied when creating a texture?
A second problem is, that I do not get ifnormation back on the data pointer or the data size from a header. Requesting the information from the header will return 0 or a null ptr (which as per documentation indicates an error). However, I can not deduce what I do wrong. The smallest test I could conduct that reproduces the issue is the following:
var pvrHeaderPtr = PVRTexLib_CreateTextureHeader(createParams);
var dataSize = PVRTexLib_GetTextureDataSize(pvrHeaderPtr, -1, true, true);
The variable dataSize is now zero. Even though the given values in the Params struct are valid and should produce something > 0.
My current test file has the following specifications, that I write into the CreateParams struct like this:
var createParams = new PVRCreateParams
width = (int)4,
height = (int)4,
depth = (int)1,
pixelFormat = (ulong)2, // this is PVRTLPF_PVRTCI_4bpp_RGB, as per PVRTexLibPixelFormat enum
colorSpace = (int)0, // this is PVRTLCS_Linear, as per PVRTexLibColourSpace enum
channelType = (int)2, // this is PVRTLVT_UnsignedByte, as per PVRTexLibVariableType enum
preMultiplied = false
This is my PVRCreateParams struct:
class PVRCreateParams
public ulong pixelFormat;
public uint width;
public uint height;
public uint depth;
public uint numMipMaps;
public uint numArrayMembers;
public uint numFaces;
public int colorSpace;
public int channelType;
public bool preMultiplied;
Can someone help me solve the 2 problems above?