I am trying a latest version of PVRTexTool.
I found some problems about ETC2 encoder.
- The abnormal block-like noise appeared in result of ETC2 encoding with slow option.
(PVRTexTool CL,GUI,Lib)
Example: PVRTexToolCLI.exe -i input.png -o output.pvr -f ETC2_RGB -q etcslow
This noise appeared in result of encoding some dark images.
It is not a normal encoding noise.
However, when I tried ETC2 encoding with fast option, I can’t find this abnormal encoding noise.
- Memory leak occurs in ETC2 encoding process.
(PVRTexTool GUI, Lib)
I found that memory leak occurs in ETC2 encoding process when I encoded the large number of images.
- Degrade occurred in the PVRTexlib pvrtexture::CPVRTexture(const void* pTexture).
Access Violation occurred with high probability.
SDK 3.0: good.
SDK 3.2: bad.
This problem does not occur in the pvrtexture::CPVRTexture(const char* szFilePath).
I expect that these problems are solved in the next version.