Segmentation fault !

Sorry,im a newbie ,Just yesterday I set up across-edit circumstance at Ubuntu x86_64bit, and try to compile a program,But such a problem has emerged:
[color color="{red}"][b]
Tools Directory:/opt/Imagination/PowerVR_Graphics/PowerVR_Tools
SDK Directort:/opt/Imagination/PowerVR_Graphics/PowerVR_SDK

root@liangc-x86-Ubuntu:/home/liangc/Desktop/Link to workspace/opengles3-book-master/Chapter_6/Example_6_3# ./Example_6_3

WARNING: Config file not found. Tried: pvrtraceconfig.json
WARNING: Recording Aborted. Exiting.[/b][/color]

So,program is not executed,I think the problem is in the pvrtraceconfig.json file,I don’t know what’s pvrtraceconfig.json and what’s its function ?

OKAY! I solved it.

I found it in PVRTrace user manual.PDF

[b]2.3.3. Linux
For manual installation on Linux, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy:, (OpenGL ES 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1),, (OpenGL ES 1.1) and to any folder.
  2. Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the folder containing the new libraries. This can be set using
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=… and reverted once the trace is complete. Alternatively, this can
    be set by using LD_LIBRARY_PATH=… ./<APPLICATION_NAME> as part of running the
  3. If pvrtraceconfig.json does not exist, make one manually (see Section 2.4).
  4. Place pvrtraceconfig.json into the executable folder.
  5. Update pvrtraceconfig.json so that EglLibraryPath, Es1LibraryPath and
    Es2LibraryPath are set to the location of the system‟s graphics libraries (see Section 2.4).[/b]

So,Search all directory and found _SKELETON_CONFIG.json ! and rename and replace…
OKAY! I solved it.

but, a NEW PROBLEM has emerged:
Segmentation fault(core dumped) !

OKAY! I solved it again!
see Attachments

Hi Liang

It sounds like you were pointing the application to the PVRTrace libraries by mistake. PVRTrace is a utility for capturing OpenGL ES calls and analysing them.

Our emulation layer is named PVRVFrame. If you just want to run an OpenGL ES application you should always point to the libraries insider /PowerVR_Tools/PVRVFrame/…

I hope helps make things clearer