Sorry,im a newbie ,Just yesterday I set up across-edit circumstance at Ubuntu x86_64bit, and try to compile a program,But such a problem has emerged:
[color color="{red}"][b]
Tools Directory:/opt/Imagination/PowerVR_Graphics/PowerVR_Tools
SDK Directort:/opt/Imagination/PowerVR_Graphics/PowerVR_SDK
root@liangc-x86-Ubuntu:/home/liangc/Desktop/Link to workspace/opengles3-book-master/Chapter_6/Example_6_3# ./Example_6_3
WARNING: Config file not found. Tried: pvrtraceconfig.json
WARNING: Recording Aborted. Exiting.[/b][/color]
So,program is not executed,I think the problem is in the pvrtraceconfig.json file,I don’t know what’s pvrtraceconfig.json and what’s its function ?
OKAY! I solved it.
I found it in PVRTrace user manual.PDF
[b]2.3.3. Linux
For manual installation on Linux, perform the following steps:
- Copy:, (OpenGL ES 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1),, (OpenGL ES 1.1) and to any folder. - Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the folder containing the new libraries. This can be set using
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=… and reverted once the trace is complete. Alternatively, this can
be set by using LD_LIBRARY_PATH=… ./<APPLICATION_NAME> as part of running the
trace. - If pvrtraceconfig.json does not exist, make one manually (see Section 2.4).
- Place pvrtraceconfig.json into the executable folder.
- Update pvrtraceconfig.json so that EglLibraryPath, Es1LibraryPath and
Es2LibraryPath are set to the location of the system‟s graphics libraries (see Section 2.4).[/b]
So,Search all directory and found _SKELETON_CONFIG.json ! and rename and replace…
OKAY! I solved it.
but, a NEW PROBLEM has emerged:
Segmentation fault(core dumped) !
OKAY! I solved it again!
see Attachments