After Create export POD, how to put it in Opengles

As mentioned above, what should I do next to make the POD able to implement into coding? I’m using carbide c++.

PS: no animation in my POD file, only static object.

zorren wrote:
As mentioned above, what should I do next to make the POD able to implement into coding? I'm using carbide c++.

PS: no animation in my POD file, only static object.


In our SDK we have a training course called IntroducingPOD which demonstrates the loading and use of POD files. If you have any questions about the training course please let us know.



Thanks to your quick reply Scott.
I would like to try an error in the training course. So what I did is that I use the source that stored in “Content folder” which is a 3ds.max format file, and convert it into both float and fixed .POD.

Both of the file that I converted into POD format, I rename them as “IntroducingPOD_fixed.pod” and “IntroducingPOD_float.pod” respectively.

I replace the both of float and fixed files that I had converted with the origin one and compile.
The result is there is no output. My emulator only poping up for a while and shut down by itself. When I open the emulator manually, the application was installed in “Installed”, but unable to open. Ouch

Why is this happens? I thought I use the same file’s name and object should able to display me an output? 

PS: What I found after the convert is that the size of the files are 89kb

which are slightly bigger than the origin one (71kb) in the training


Did the unmodified version run ok?


If it did are you exporting the POD files with the same settings as the original? Do you get any error messages or know at what point it is failing in the code?

<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 


PS: What I found after the convert is that the size of the files are 89kb which are slightly bigger than the origin one (71kb) in the training course.


This is possible as the POD files in the SDK will have been exported with a different version of the exporter.

Hey Scott, the unmodified version runs fine.

"If it did are you exporting the
POD files with the same settings as the original? Do you get any error
messages or know at what point it is failing in the code? "

- This is what I curios with. I'm not sure whether my settings are the same as the origin one  
   (No tutorial in configure the setting or steps of exporting).
- No error occur during the building code process. It just poping up emulator, and shut it down
  immediately. When reopen the application in emulator, it cant be open.

Is there any static POD (no animation) example for the training course?

zorren wrote:

Is there any static POD (no animation) example for the training course?

If you comment out


while(m_fFrame > f2vt(m_Scene.nNumFrame-1))
 m_fFrame -= f2vt(m_Scene.nNumFrame-1);

// Sets the scene animation to this frame

in the RenderScene function IntroducingPOD will ignore the animation. It is important to note that the training courses aren't generic POD viewers so some changes may need to be made to the code before your POD file is displayed correctly. If you would like you can send your POD file to and we can take a look to see where it is going wrong.


Okay Scott, I’ll try what you’ve mentioned above.

I’d send the POD files to the email. Thank you.

Scott, regarding the "IntroducingPOD_fixed.cpp"and “IntroducingPOD_float.cpp”, how to create this? Does it default done by the compiler or we need to add them in by our own?

zorren wrote:

Okay Scott, I'll try what you've mentioned above.

I'd send the POD files to the email. Thank you.


I've taken a look and can see that your POD files are exported non-interleaved where as the originals are interleaved. If you export with the "Interleave vectors" option ticked they should work.


zorren wrote:

Scott, regarding the "IntroducingPOD_fixed.cpp"and "IntroducingPOD_float.cpp", how to create this?


Depending on the version of the exporter being used you can export the .cpps directly from PVRGeoPOD. Otherwise, they can be created from the command-line using the FileWrap utility that comes with our SDK. 


zorren wrote:

Does it default done by the compiler or we need to add them in by our own?


In the case of the Symbian SDK you need to create them yourself. As a convenience the content.mak included with the training courses will create all the required .cpp content files when made.

sorry for my noob(ness). How can i export the.cpps directly from PVRGeoPOD? And I don’t understand the stuff so call .mak. That’s default done by compiler itself is it?

And, i tried to export the POD files by check the  “Interleave vectors” option, still the size of the files maintain the same. And same condition as earlier, the emulator shut down immediately. Any step by step tutorial for export the POD stuff?

zorren wrote:

sorry for my noob(ness). How can i export the.cpps directly from PVRGeoPOD?

If you're using the version of PVRGeoPOD from our 2.5 SDK instead of giving your exported file the extension .pod give it .cpp.

zorren wrote:

And I don't understand the stuff so call .mak. That's default done by compiler itself is it?

Nope at the moment you'll need to make content.mak yourself. From the command-line navigate to the folder that contains content.mak and type


make -f content.mak

make.exe should come with your Symbian installation and be in your path.

zorren wrote:

And, i tried to export the POD files by check the  "Interleave vectors" option, still the size of the files maintain the same. And same condition as earlier, the emulator shut down immediately.

What steps are you doing to build the training course with your new POD files? Also, are you just exporting the Introducing POD scene or are you using a scene of your own?

zorren wrote:

Any step by step tutorial for export the POD stuff?

Nope, but there is documentation in UtilitiesPVRGeoPODDocumentation for using the PVRGeoPOD exporter.

Scott, I’m using the 3ds file that in training course. But when I export it as POD, no respond from emulator as it shutting down immediately after build and run by carbide C++.