Dear Team
Will you consider to make the pod exporter (from collada or max ) OPENSOURCE , to see the detail of the pod creation using your TOOLS API ?
If not will you then consider a sample of POD Creation using your TOOL API, starting only by triangles definition and indices.
Adding animation information dynamically at specific frame will be a most there is so much derivative of that in gaming…
we could then have the freedom of profiling , experimenting , in the result people will love the Api even more
That will help aloooooooot
Hi David,
Thanks for the feedback. I’ve filed this request into our system. We’ll try to make the process of exporting and using the data clearer/simpiler in a future release
the next release is going to be hot then
It is actually very simple … I mean, all you need is the SDK itself and looking at the docs and source code I had no trouble writing animation/static POD exporter for Lightwave.
When i saw the doc about geometry sort i stopped right away
will you share the exporter code then ?
By my side i am using 3d max , i created script that export some animation data, use for interpolation mainly and i am ready to share my script on demand
It is actually very simple ... I mean, all you need is the SDK itself and looking at the docs and source code I had no trouble writing animation/static POD exporter for Lightwave.
Warmi, would you consider sharing your pod exporter? I'm using modo, and can't seem to get character animation working. I suspect it's the pvrgeoPOD utiilty I'm using. I wish img tec had more pluguns available.
My simple character test is a simple leg mesh with a skeleton bound to the mesh. I've done a quick 40 second animation and exported to collada (dae) format. Then I use the pvrGeoPOD utility to convert the collada file to a POD file. Unfortunately when viewing in pvrShaman I don't see the animation happening. I suspect the problem is the skinning export as the pvrGeoPOD docs say there are limitations.
Here you go … you will probably have to change a few paths to get it compile…
Thanks Warmi, that is very cool, very useful , i hope the SDK team will provide more sample to help us to develop import export tools as well.
This is 3 years old non-64 bit safe code using old OGLES lib in /dependencies etc… if you just want to see how PODs are serialized , you can look at Database.cpp at bool SceneInventory::serializeToPODFile(QString fileName).
Geometry sorting is done inside of void SceneInventory::sortGeometry(SPODMesh *mesh).
BTW … I have another tool called Fbx2POD which converts FBX files to POD format … right now it is a part of a larger package ( including ASIMp to POD etc - and some other unrelated stuff ) but I could clean it up and make it available as well.
that will be wonderfull bro !! it s even more easier to understand ( i mean at least fbx format )
aie aie aie , the forum doesnt order comment by a timeline manner , all post are mixed order by my side !!!
About your code , it s very helpfull ,well writen to be understandable.
I will be interested by your fbx as it s closer to my autodesk creation tool.i believe that could be usefull to our communauty ???