The Print3D font starts as a bitmap image containing all the characters in the font. This becomes the PVRTPrint3DABC_Pixels array that you found. We also have a small program that examines the bitmap and determines coordinate rectangles for each character. These are stored in the PVRTPrint3DSize_XXXX arrays.
To successfully replace the font you need to replace both of these data sets (or use a bitmap with identically dimensioned characters to the existing one).
Hope this helps - if you have further questions, please ask.
Gordon2008-06-06 14:22:52
I would like to have the program to generate the PVRTPrint3DSize_XXXX
What about the other 2 arrays.
Do these needs to be generated and changed as well?
We’re adding this to the SDK for the next release (late summer 2009), but in the meantime, if you send an email to we’ll be able to send you the program to deal with this.
I believe the other arrays are also generated (it’s a while since I looked at this) at the same time, but if you have further problems we can sort it out over the email.
Sorry for bumping an old topic. Is the program mentioned above still available on request or is it in the SDK already? If in the SDK, where can I find it?
i was reading this post because i need to change the font stored in PVRTPrint3Ddat.h
can i this tools as well ??
Hi david,
We’ve added font-to-texture generation into our next SDK within PVRTexTool. A new training course “IntroducingPrint3D” is also available to guide you through how to use the new functionality. Preview copies of this SDK were available at GDC, and the complete release should be available on our website shortly. We will announce on the forums when this happens.
Hello ,
it s even more that i wanted , very nice update