DMA usage - GE8300

Currently, we are using GPU PowerVR GE8300.
Is there any way to verify its using system DMA or Internal DMA?
for GPU operation or for transferring FB data to display will it use system DMA?

Hi Manoj,

Thank you for contacting PVR Developer Forum!

Would you mind share more information about the OS and DDK version you are using?



we are working on linux 5.10.41 [no GUI support].
DDK: 1.15

Hi Manoj,

Thank you for sharing the informations.
You will be able to see memory usage of application with one of our tool PVRTune.

For you to be able to download as use PVRTuneComplete, you would need to register and sign the NDA first. Please use the link below.
First, register on the Support Portal,
then, you can find the latest PVRTuneComplete release under Login - PowerVR Insider Support

You need to check “Client Memory Tracking” in “Override PVRPerfServer Settings” to be able to see memory usage.

If you have more questions please keep us informed.



Thanks for update.
As suggested above, we registered and downloaded "PVRTuneComplete_2019_R1.tgz"package from PowerVR Insider Support.
Within the package “PVRPerfServer”, i am able to find x86, arm and QNX, but we are working on riscv platform, ad i am not able to find the out platform executable.

From “Downloads - Imagination Developers” we downloaded “PVRTune” from the download section.
After installing the downloaed on my x86 sustem, iw as able to find executable “PVRPerfServerDeveloper” for riscv paltform in the following path
“Imagination Technologies/PowerVR_Graphics/PowerVR_Tools/PVRTuneDeveloper/PVRPerfServer/Linux_riscv_64”.

As mentioned in the “PVRTune User Manual” PVRPerfServer should be run on target device.
when we try to run the executable “PVRPerfServerDeveloper”, we found the below error.

root@SOC:~# ./PVRPerfServerDeveloper
./PVRPerfServerDeveloper: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

when i try to run “PVRTuneDeveloperGUI” on my client x86 i am facing the below error

manoj@Manoj:~/Imagination Technologies/PowerVR_Graphics/PowerVR_Tools/PVRTuneDeveloper/GUI/Linux_x86_64$ ./PVRTuneDeveloperGUI
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin “xcb” in “” even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: wayland, xcb.

How can i resolve above error?

Hi Manoj,

Thank you for detailed explanation. Right now, we’re working on this.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.


Hi Majon,

Would you mind raise a ticket from internal support platform?
For us to share library files, kindly register and raise a ticket in our support portal.
