Export particles from Blender to POD


Is there a way to export particles with PVRGeoPOD from Blender?

I am trying to create realistic grass like so https://www.dropbox.com/s/wn51wu8m89ygqs8/Screen%20Shot%202014-07-07%20at%2015.41.54.png but only the ground with displacement modifier is exported, the grass is created using particles but is dropped on export :frowning: This is more desirable than using a plain image texture for grass, which would look fake.


If you only want a single mesh to be exported by the particle system then you can try following:


This will create a duplicate mesh of the particle system for that frame of particle animation.




Thanks for the answer!

Indeed, I need to convert the particles modifier to 3D objects/mesh first, but nothing will be exported if I stop there. I also need to extrude the objects after conversion, because they are just simple lines and have no volume or area (grass particles are emitted as hair lines).

The exported sample: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x3e0guz750g1d14/IMG_1878.PNG

