Export problems w/ Maya 2009

Hi everyone,

I’m experiencing some unusual export behavior with some models w/ Maya 2009. Currently I’m working with a skinned model with 20ish bones, 164 faces, 273 verts. I’ve been experimenting and able to successfully export the model and get it to animate correctly in PVRShaman, and on my target device(iPhone 3G, 3.0 OS). Exciting!

So, now that I have a working example, I’m trying to change the format of the polygon structure and running into dead ends all over the place. The main thing trying I’m trying to do is distinguish two big faces from the main structure, and I’m trying two methods:

1. In Maya, Deleting two big faces from the mesh.

2. In Maya, Using the Mesh->Separate or Mesh->Extract those same faces from the skin.

In both cases the model animates fine in maya, but when I export it using PVRGeoPOD, the model breaks! :-(. These are the symptoms:

1. The model is still responding to bones, but the weights are all out of sync, and I get a lot of rubber banding polygon soup. I suspect that I need to re-weight the model some how, but I’m not sure what that entails, since it seems to display okay in Maya.

2. It seems as if the bones aren’t getting associated with the new separated meshes, because all the nodes display 0 for the bone batch count. Where it used to be one node w/ 4 batches, it’s now 3 nodes each with 0 batches. In this case it seems like the association between the mesh and the bones isn’t getting picked up by the exporter for some reason.

In both cases the problems is occurring in the exporter; I’ve tried running it on the device as well, to see if maybe it’s a problem in PVRShaman, but and I get similar results on the device.

Has anyone run into similar problems? Are these known issues with the exporter? Are the some hidden requirements for the model setup that aren’t documented? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks everyone!

legosarecool wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm experiencing some unusual export behavior with some models w/ Maya 2009. Currently I'm working with a skinned model with 20ish bones, 164 faces, 273 verts. I've been experimenting and able to successfully export the model and get it to animate correctly in PVRShaman, and on my target device(iPhone 3G, 3.0 OS). Exciting!

So, now that I have a working example, I'm trying to change the format of the polygon structure and running into dead ends all over the place. The main thing trying I'm trying to do is distinguish two big faces from the main structure, and I'm trying two methods:

1. In Maya, Deleting two big faces from the mesh.
2. In Maya, Using the Mesh->Separate or Mesh->Extract those same faces from the skin.

In both cases the model animates fine in maya, but when I export it using PVRGeoPOD, the model breaks! :-(. These are the symptoms:

1. The model is still responding to bones, but the weights are all out of sync, and I get a lot of rubber banding polygon soup. I suspect that I need to re-weight the model some how, but I'm not sure what that entails, since it seems to display okay in Maya.
2. It seems as if the bones aren't getting associated with the new separated meshes, because all the nodes display 0 for the bone batch count. Where it used to be one node w/ 4 batches, it's now 3 nodes each with 0 batches. In this case it seems like the association between the mesh and the bones isn't getting picked up by the exporter for some reason.

In both cases the problems is occurring in the exporter; I've tried running it on the device as well, to see if maybe it's a problem in PVRShaman, but and I get similar results on the device.

Has anyone run into similar problems? Are these known issues with the exporter? Are the some hidden requirements for the model setup that aren't documented? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks everyone!



I can't think of any known issues or requirements that may cause the problems you're describing. If possible could you send your Maya scene and exported .pod files to devtech@imgtec.com so we can take a look.





Hi legosarecool,

I’m also working with Maya2009, however, I’m unable to get my skinned model to display on the actual iPhone 3.0 device (but it works just fine on the simulator).

These are my exporting options (from Maya2009)…

Maya MB file

Texture file

POD file

Can you give me some hint on how you exported your models? thanks!