Getting started with Powershell help...

I download the sdk. I create a new project in xcode, I go and drag and drop the files from the SDK folders into my new project. I then add the openGL frame work include files into the SDK files. I try to build and I get 20 errors from the normal ios framework files.

How are you supposed to go about starting all this up? I probably need to understand more about xcode I understand that once I can get a program started that I should use the frame tool instead of the simulator in xcode right? This is all noob questions I guess. I keep poking at it and getting closer so hopefully I get it working. I can get the examples to run, yet I think they are running in the ios simulator not the frame simulator. Anyone have experience with xcode and the powershell?

Well I give up, I feel like I’m trying to beat a square peg into a round hole here. Tried multiple ways to start a new project using xcode and the PVRShell. Your help files say to include this and include that and it seems the normal files for opengl es are rewritten by Apple. I tried to link to your dynamic link libraries yet in that instance I couldn’t get the PowerShell.cpp files to use them. Maybe I’ll try again later. It’d be nice had you guys wrote the whole thing as a framework that we could include in xcode, yet that’d leave all the other people in the dark I guess.

Hi Chris,

Sorry to hear you’ve hit issues getting the SDK running on OS X. My recommendation would be to use one of the SDK’s Examples as a starting point, e.g. copy the IntroducingPOD Example to another directory, check it builds and then change files in it appropriately for your project. Alternatively, you can use a diff tool to compare your XCode project with one of the SDK Example XCode projects (you can use the pre-installed OS X FileMerge tool for this).

I’ve filed a bug report against our documentation (BRN47853) for more verbose instructions to be added in a future release.

