How create new project with PVRShell Framework

Hi All!

I want to create new project using PVRShell framework, but i do not want to use the project template  in Training course. It seem i must config many thing, anybody help me. Thanks for any support.

Sorry, i miss one thing, I want to create Iphone project :slight_smile:

I too would like some tutorial or example of how this can be done on the iPhone. Currently, to make a new project I am modifying the training course projects. I have had no success trying to move the SDK to a new project as I guess much configuration is needed. What are the steps for including the SDK in a new project?

Now wouldnt that be a great “Lesson” to include in the lesson list?

One one how to use the Software Development Kit to Develop your own Software?

Best would be a template that you could add to Xcode that would automatically copy everything in and setup your project for you. Anyone have anything like that which they would be willing to post?

Or lacking that, information from imgtec on how to use the sdk? ie: what files need to go in what directories in your source tree, libraries to copy in, etc…ma2302011-04-19 15:50:41