I’m using the OpenGL ES 2.0 SDK and I’ve encountered an issue when using glBindFramebuffer. I do an error check after every OpenGL call using glGetError() and it seems like when I call glBindFrameBuffer, I get a GL_INVALID_ENUM error after I call glShaderSource! I also get errors after calling glUniformLocation or glUniform4fv, etc.
I’m not sure why this is, it also happens in the OGLES2RenderToTexture demo as well.
Any ideas?
Thank you for reporting that problem. This issue is known and will be fixed in next release of SDK. The problem is with calling glBindFramebuffer that produce GL_INVALID_ENUM. The other functions you have mentioned should be fine and the error you have recieved is related to glBindFramebuffer.
I am encountering the same issue. Before a call to glShaderSource, glGetError returns GL_NO_ERROR, and after calling glShaderSource, I get GL_INVALID_ENUM.
Jacek’s post says this was fixed (back in '09), but I have version, which seems to have gotten released earlier this year ('11). I, too, am checking glGetError after every OpenGL ES 2.0 function call, and everything is fine until I call glShaderSource. My code is not finished enough to be showing my graphics yet, so I can’t say if there are really any problems in rendering vs. this just being a “phantom” error.
Is it known to still be an issue?
I also encountered a situation where glShaderSource is returning GL_INVALID_VALUE. According to:
http://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glShaderSource.xml, that is generated when count is less than 0 (which it’s not, since I have it set to 1) or shader is not generated by OpenGL (also not true since I just retrieved it from glCreateShader right before calling glShaderSource). shader is a non-zero value, and I tested all the glGetShaderiv values for it (info log is zero). They all are reasonable values except for GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH. My shader is 391 characters, but GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH returns 701. This is the source (vertex shader):
#version 100
precision mediump int;
precision mediump float;
varying vec2 xlv_TEXCOORD0;
varying vec4 xlv_COLOR;
attribute vec4 a_color0;
attribute vec3 a_vertex;
uniform mat4 g_WorldViewProjection;
void main ()
vec4 tmpvar_1;
tmpvar_1.w = 1.0;
tmpvar_1.xyz = a_vertex;
gl_Position = (tmpvar_1 * g_WorldViewProjection);
xlv_COLOR = a_color0;
xlv_TEXCOORD0 = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
Even after getting the GL_INVALID_VALUE, if I go ahead and compile it and link it into a program, it does so with no further errors and nothing in the infologs.