I appologize for asking a question that has been asked before, but tips from other threads did not solve my problems. I am having a problem setting up PVRTrace on my Droid X, using the documentation here:
The only issue I had with the above instructions, was with step 3:
3. If 'pvrtrace.cfg' does not exist, generate one by running the application to be traced.
Running the application does not generate this file. Instead, I created it manually, as follows:
EglLibraryPath = /system/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
Es1LibraryPath = /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
Es2LibraryPath = /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
TraceFile = /mnt/sdcard/trace-%pid.pvrt
RecordData = 0
StartFrame = 0
EndFrame = 1
I've placed this pvrtrace.cfg file in both the root directory / and in the SD Card root /mnt/sdcard, and given it permission 666. Additionally, my app has permission to write to the sdcard (which I've verified by generating test files from the code).
Everything else went as expected, following the guide I mentioned above. I copied libPVRTrace.so to /system/lib as instructed in step 1, and libGLESv2_PVRTRACE.so to /system/lib/egl as instructed in step 2, and gave them permission 644. I created a PVRTRACE version of egl.cfg in /system/lib/egl, as instructed in step 7, and gave it permission 644. The only other issue I had was needing to remount /system and / in order to be able to write to them, since they are read-only by default (I suggest adding that to the documentation to save folks the trouble of having to look up how to do this).
However, replacing egl.cfg with the PVRTRACE version and running the app I want to trace has two critical problems:
1) The graphics for the app do not display. Instead there is a thin white rectangle at the top of the screen.
2) The trace file is not generated.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions, or if you require additional information.
paulscode2012-02-24 03:25:27