We’ve got trouble installing PVR Trace on Android devices. First of all we can’t have our devices rooted, so we started to use the “manual installation without root permissions”.
PVR SDK is install on the host
Android SDK is fully install too on the host
PVRTraceApp.apk has been installed on the devices
First question, in the “PVRTrace.User Manual.pdf”, appendix B2, it is said:
"Note: These instructions assume the following default locations for files (the locations can be changed during installation):
- The PVRTraceSetup app has been used to install the Trace libraries on the device to: /data/data/com.powervr.OGLES2Texturing/lib/libPVRTrace.so"
=> This tool can’t be used to do that on a non rooted devices, is this something we have to care about?
Second question, in the “PVRTrace.User Manual.pdf”, appendix B2, it is said:
“Edit pvrtrace.cfg so it points to the Android framework libraries (since we are calling PVRTrace before the Android shim). pvrconfig.cfg should look similar to this:
Note: pvrconfig.cfg should be placed on ‘/sdcard’ so the user can read and write to the file without root permissions.”
=> Sentence starts talking about “pvrtrace.cfg” and then “pvrconfig.cfg”, is this normal?
=> We’ve copied two files (the same one) with both names in “/mnt/sdcard"
Content is this one:
EglLibraryPath = /system/lib/libEGL.so
Es1LibraryPath =/system/lib/libGLESv1_CM.so
Es2LibraryPath = /system/lib/libGLESv2.so
TraceFile = /sdcard/trace.pvrt
RecordData = 1
StartFrame = 0
EndFrame = 500
SaveFrameBuffer = 0
SaveFileToDisk = 1
Network = 0
DebugInfo = 0"
We’ve added the following in our main java class
" static {
try {
catch( UnsatisfiedLinkError e ) {
System.err.println(“PVR Native code library failed to load.n” + e);
=> We’ve changed our Android.mk with the following:
=> We are compiled using VisualGDB under Visual Studio. A warning message is telling that EGL_PVRTRACE and GLESv2_PVRTRACE are not system libs (but this is only a warning)
Starting our apk give the following result:
"10-02 15:39:54.178: I/dalvikvm(12132): Turning on JNI app bug workarounds for target SDK version 8…
10-02 15:39:54.248: D/dalvikvm(12132): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.powervr.OGLES2Texturing/lib/libEGL_PVRTRACE.so 0x41209070
10-02 15:39:54.248: W/System.err(12132): PVR Native code library failed to load.
10-02 15:39:54.248: W/System.err(12132): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load library: load_library[1091]: Library ‘/data/data/com.powervr.OGLES2Texturing/lib/libEGL_PVRTRACE.so’ not found"
As you understood, nothing is working. Can anyone can help us solve this problem? Thanks in advance.