I want to compile the demos and trainingcourse

I want to compile the demos and trainingcourse,but the .apk can not run on my sumsung i9000

I download the Powervr SDK for Android and installed android sdk,ndk,ant
according to the document int sdk --'OpenGL ES 2.x SDK.User Guide.'

step 1:go to the /Build/Android directory and run 'android update project -p',the 'local.properties' and
'proguard.cfg' file generated.

step 2:startup the Cygwin,export 'NDKROOT' and 'PLATFORM' variables,then typing 'make' to
compile the c++ code

step 3:run 'ant debug' on the command-line

the .apk file generated,I install it on my Samsung I9000,but it can not run.

compare with precompiled apk file in Binaries directory,I discover the 'classes.dex' is too small,only 1.7K

Because the classes.dex contains only your javacode, compiled into binary. The compiled C files from the project, should be in the lib folder of the apk file.