I want to compile the demos and trainingcourse,but the .apk can not run on my sumsung i9000
I download the Powervr SDK for Android and installed android sdk,ndk,ant
according to the document int sdk --'OpenGL ES 2.x SDK.User Guide.'
step 1:go to the /Build/Android directory and run 'android update project -p',the 'local.properties' and
'proguard.cfg' file generated.
step 2:startup the Cygwin,export 'NDKROOT' and 'PLATFORM' variables,then typing 'make' to
compile the c++ code
step 3:run 'ant debug' on the command-line
the .apk file generated,I install it on my Samsung I9000,but it can not run.
compare with precompiled apk file in Binaries directory,I discover the 'classes.dex' is too small,only 1.7K