More KHR_debug progress (PowerVR SDK 3.4)

Looking back at this, I managed to get a KHR_debug message callback working.

While eglGetProcAddress() on “glDebugMessageCallbackKHR” returns NULL and on “glDebugMessageCallback” returns a function that doesn’t seem to do anything, compile-time linking with the C++ name mangled, DLL storage class, stdcall API:

extern GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glDebugMessageCallback (<br />
void ( GL_APIENTRY * )( unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, char const *, void const *),<br />
void * );


I do notice however that trying to glEnable() either GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_KHR or GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_KHR results in an invalid enum GL error. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong here?


I should also have mentioned this was necessary with the PVRVFrame in the PowerVR SDK 3.4 (Win32) to get KHR_debug functions working.

Hi Dark_Photon

I can confirm the invalid enum is a bug in SDK 3.4. The error can be safely ignored because in PVRVFrame they have no effect, though you won’t be able to glDisable() the debug output.

Ok, thanks Chris!

(Planning to spend more time soon to get KHR_debug debug markers in for annotation of PVRTrace output. If there are any tips or tricks you know of that may be useful, please let me know – thanks!)