In PowerVR SDK R1.1’s PVRVFrame (win32) with KHR_debug support advertised, if an EGL debug context is enabled, CPU memory just climbs, and eventually the app crashes in VFrame’s libEGL.dll with a std::bad_alloc error. We’re seeing this on systems with ATI GPUs and NVidia GPUs.
Note that this is without PVRTrace recorder libs plugged in. Also note that the KHR_debug APIs we use are glDebugMessageInsert (extensively), glObjectLabel (minimal), and glDebugMessageCallback.
[scode lang="{language}"]First-chance exception at 0x762BC54F in myApp.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std::bad_alloc at memory location 0x002F171C.
Debug Error!
Program: …\myApp.exe
- abort() has been called[/scode]
[scode lang="{language}"]> msvcr110d.dll!_NMSG_WRITE(int rterrnum) Line 226 C
msvcr110d.dll!abort() Line 62 C
msvcr110d.dll!terminate() Line 97 C++
msvcr110d.dll!__FrameUnwindFilter(_EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExPtrs) Line 980 C++
msvcr110d.dll!__FrameUnwindToState(EHRegistrationNode * pRN, void * pDC, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo, int targetState) Line 1068 C++
msvcr110d.dll!@_EH4_CallFilterFunc@8() Line 394 Unknown
ntdll.dll!777134c9() Unknown
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ntdll.dll]
[External Code]
libEGL.dll!0038254b() Unknown
[External Code]
libEGL.dll!0038254b() Unknown
libEGL.dll!0036197e() Unknown
libEGL.dll!00361156() Unknown
libEGL.dll!0035d4e0() Unknown
libEGL.dll!0035d454() Unknown