PowerVR SDK Examples returns with Error: "PVRShell: Failed to bind OpenGL ES API"

Dear IMG,

I am facing some issues while executing the PowerVR SDK Examples on Ubuntu 10.04 VDI running on Virtual Box. It gives Error as “Failed to bind OpenGL ES API”.

Download link: https://www.imgcommunity.local/files/powervr-sdk-v3-3-linux32-installer/

Build command:

make PLATFORM=Linux_x86_32 X11BUILD=1 X11ROOT=/usr


SDK_3.3/Examples/Beginner/05_IntroducingPVRTools/OGLES2/Build/Linux_x86_32/ReleaseX11$ ./OGLES2IntroducingPVRTools

PVRShell: EGL 0.0 initialized

Exit message has been set to: “PVRShell: Failed to bind OpenGL ES API


InitAPI failed!

PVRShell: Failed to bind OpenGL ES API

We even referred the below Documentation links, but not of much help:


I could not understand the below point in the Documentation:

  1. " Ensure that the PowerVR drivers are installed on the target device (please refer to DDK / driver installation instructions)."

    Where can I find the PowerVR Drivers?

    Do I need Drivers, as I am running it on Guset OS(Ubuntu VDI with Guset Additions)?

  2. OpenGL ES 2.0 libraries are not distributed with the PowerVR Insider SDK for Linux.

    I can see the OpenGLES Libraries available in the path: “SDK_3.3/Builds/Linux/x86_32/Lib”.

    Is it not the correct one, to use?

    It will be great, if you can support on resolving the issue.

    Thanks and Best Regards,

    Praful Swarnakar

Hi Praful

Virtual machines are not currently supported by the emulator, so you’ll need to use a real system to run the examples on a desktop computer.

The documentation you quoted refers to the actual OpenGL ES drivers installed on a mobile device. The libraries provided by the SDK are emulation libraries only for running apps on the desktop.

Hello Chris,

Thanks for the prompt response.

I will check it on the native Linux and update the status.

Thanks and Best Regards,

Praful Swarnakar