Dear IMG,
I am facing some issues while executing the PowerVR SDK Examples on Ubuntu 10.04 VDI running on Virtual Box. It gives Error as “Failed to bind OpenGL ES API”.
Download link: https://www.imgcommunity.local/files/powervr-sdk-v3-3-linux32-installer/
Build command:
make PLATFORM=Linux_x86_32 X11BUILD=1 X11ROOT=/usr
SDK_3.3/Examples/Beginner/05_IntroducingPVRTools/OGLES2/Build/Linux_x86_32/ReleaseX11$ ./OGLES2IntroducingPVRTools
PVRShell: EGL 0.0 initialized
Exit message has been set to: “PVRShell: Failed to bind OpenGL ES API
InitAPI failed!
PVRShell: Failed to bind OpenGL ES API
We even referred the below Documentation links, but not of much help:
I could not understand the below point in the Documentation:
- " Ensure that the PowerVR drivers are installed on the target device (please refer to DDK / driver installation instructions)."
Where can I find the PowerVR Drivers?
Do I need Drivers, as I am running it on Guset OS(Ubuntu VDI with Guset Additions)?
- OpenGL ES 2.0 libraries are not distributed with the PowerVR Insider SDK for Linux.
I can see the OpenGLES Libraries available in the path: “SDK_3.3/Builds/Linux/x86_32/Lib”.
Is it not the correct one, to use?
It will be great, if you can support on resolving the issue.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Praful Swarnakar