i have very strange experience on those 3 phones. All of those should have Power SGX 540 chip but i’ve got different results compiling shaders.
Samsung S9100 - android 2.3.6 - compile ok
Samsung Galaxy S - android 4.2.1 - compile failed without reason
Samsung S9000 - android ? - compile crash
I also tested this shader in 4 shader compilers - SGX 535, 540, 543, 6xx and all went fine.
I also tested it in windows emulator - all goes fine
So, it seems to me like shader version problem, so can you, please, help me, what to do with it ?
If it compiles, everything goes fine - no artefacts seen
Best regards and thanks
Petr Sovis
Vertex shader:
#define vxIn attribute
#define vxOut varying
#line 47 2
#define VX_UNIFORMN(typeprec,type,var,tag) uniform typeprec type var
#define VX_UNIFORMDV(typeprec, type, var, tag, defaultValue) uniform typeprec type var
#define vxTex2D texture2D
#define nop
#line 4 3
VX_UNIFORMN(highp , mat4, matProjModelView, MATRIX);
VX_UNIFORMN(highp , mat4, matModelView, MATRIX);
VX_UNIFORMN(highp , mat4, matProjection, MATRIX);
VX_UNIFORMN(highp , vec3, vecCameraPos, VEC3);
VX_UNIFORMN(lowp , sampler2D, DiffuseTex, SAMPLER2D);
VX_UNIFORMN(lowp , sampler2D, SpecTex, SAMPLER2D);
VX_UNIFORMN(lowp , sampler2D, NormalTex, SAMPLER2D);
VX_UNIFORMN(lowp , vec4, AmbientCol, COLOR);
#line 2 4
const lowp vec3 globalAmbient = vec3(104.0,103.0,159.0) * (1.0 / 255.0);
const lowp vec3 globalAmbientCatcher = vec3(204.0,203.0,209.0) * (1.0 / 255.0);
const lowp vec3 lightDiff = vec3(240.0,217.0,175.0) * (1.0 / 255.0);
const lowp vec3 lightSpecColor = lightDiff;
const mediump vec3 lightPos = vec3(0.0,-3.0,1.0);
const lowp vec3 light2Diff = vec3(195.0,209.0,253.0) * (0.7 / 255.0);
const lowp vec3 light2SpecColor = light2Diff;
const lowp vec3 light2Dir = normalize(vec3(2.0,5.0,0.0));
#line 22 5
vxIn vec3 inPos;
vxIn vec3 inNormal;
vxIn vec2 inTex0;
vxIn vec3 inTangent;
vxIn vec3 inBinormal;
vxOut mediump vec2 interTex0;
vxOut mediump vec3 interLightVec;
vxOut mediump vec3 interLightVec2;
vxOut mediump vec3 interEyeVec;
vxOut mediump vec3 interHalfVec;
vxOut mediump vec3 interHalfVec2;
void saEnemyVertexFn()
highp vec3 outPos;
lowp mat3 mmVN = mat3(matModelView);
outPos = (matModelView * vec4(inPos,1.0)).xyz;
lowp vec3 trNormal = normalize(mmVN * inNormal);
lowp vec3 trTangent = normalize(mmVN * inTangent);
lowp vec3 trBinormal = normalize(mmVN * inBinormal);
lowp vec3 lightDir = normalize(lightPos - outPos);
interLightVec.x = dot(trTangent, lightDir);
interLightVec.y = dot(trBinormal, lightDir);
interLightVec.z = dot(trNormal, lightDir);
interLightVec2.x = dot(trTangent, light2Dir);
interLightVec2.y = dot(trBinormal, light2Dir);
interLightVec2.z = dot(trNormal, light2Dir);
mediump vec3 v, no;
no = normalize(vecCameraPos - outPos);
v.x = dot(trTangent, no);
v.y = dot(trBinormal, no);
v.z = dot(trNormal, no);
interEyeVec = normalize(v);
v = normalize(no + lightDir);
interHalfVec.x = dot(trTangent, v);
interHalfVec.y = dot(trBinormal, v);
interHalfVec.z = dot(trNormal, v);
v = normalize(no + light2Dir);
interHalfVec2.x = dot(trTangent, v);
interHalfVec2.y = dot(trBinormal, v);
interHalfVec2.z = dot(trNormal, v);
gl_Position = matProjection * vec4(outPos, 1.0);
interTex0 = inTex0;
#line 0 7
void main() { saEnemyVertexFn(); }
Fragmen shader:
#define highp mediump
#define nomeaning
#define vxIn varying
#define vxOut(x) nomeaning
#define vxPixelResult gl_FragColor
#line 47 2
#define VX_UNIFORMN(typeprec,type,var,tag) uniform typeprec type var
#define VX_UNIFORMDV(typeprec, type, var, tag, defaultValue) uniform typeprec type var
#define vxTex2D texture2D
#define nop
#line 4 3
VX_UNIFORMN(highp , mat4, matProjModelView, MATRIX);
VX_UNIFORMN(highp , mat4, matModelView, MATRIX);
VX_UNIFORMN(highp , mat4, matProjection, MATRIX);
VX_UNIFORMN(highp , vec3, vecCameraPos, VEC3);
VX_UNIFORMN(lowp , sampler2D, DiffuseTex, SAMPLER2D);
VX_UNIFORMN(lowp , sampler2D, SpecTex, SAMPLER2D);
VX_UNIFORMN(lowp , sampler2D, NormalTex, SAMPLER2D);
VX_UNIFORMN(lowp , vec4, AmbientCol, COLOR);
#line 2 4
const lowp vec3 globalAmbient = vec3(104.0,103.0,159.0) * (1.0 / 255.0);
const lowp vec3 globalAmbientCatcher = vec3(204.0,203.0,209.0) * (1.0 / 255.0);
const lowp vec3 lightDiff = vec3(240.0,217.0,175.0) * (1.0 / 255.0);
const lowp vec3 lightSpecColor = lightDiff;
const mediump vec3 lightPos = vec3(0.0,-3.0,1.0);
const lowp vec3 light2Diff = vec3(195.0,209.0,253.0) * (0.7 / 255.0);
const lowp vec3 light2SpecColor = light2Diff;
const lowp vec3 light2Dir = (vec3(2.0,5.0,0.0));
#line 88 6
vxIn mediump vec2 interTex0;
vxIn mediump vec3 interLightVec;
vxIn mediump vec3 interLightVec2;
vxIn mediump vec3 interEyeVec;
vxIn mediump vec3 interHalfVec;
vxIn mediump vec3 interHalfVec2;
vxOut( vec4 vxPixelResult)
lowp vec3 specLighting(lowp vec3 bumpVec, lowp vec3 texDiffuse, lowp float texSpec, lowp vec3 lightDiffuse, lowp vec3 lightSpec, lowp vec3 pILD, lowp vec3 eyeVec, lowp vec3 halfVec)
lowp float diffFact = max(dot(pILD, bumpVec), 0.0);
lowp vec3 baseColor = texDiffuse * (lightDiffuse * diffFact);
if (diffFact > 0.0)
mediump float shininess = pow (max (dot (halfVec, bumpVec), 0.0), 1.0);
baseColor += lightSpec * (texSpec * shininess);
return baseColor;
void saEnemyPixelFn()
mediump vec3 bumpVec = vxTex2D(NormalTex, interTex0).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0;
lowp vec4 texDiffuse = vxTex2D(DiffuseTex, interTex0);
bumpVec.x = -bumpVec.x;
vxPixelResult.xyz = texDiffuse.xyz * globalAmbient;
vxPixelResult.xyz += specLighting(bumpVec, texDiffuse.xyz, texDiffuse.a, lightDiff, lightSpecColor, interLightVec, interEyeVec, interHalfVec);
vxPixelResult.xyz += specLighting(bumpVec, texDiffuse.xyz, texDiffuse.a, light2Diff, light2SpecColor, interLightVec2, interEyeVec, interHalfVec2);
vxPixelResult.a = 1.0;
#line 0 8
void main() { saEnemyPixelFn(); }