Target Window other than X11 and the supported resolution

In the HelloAPI example, there is a NonWS version. It looks like it’s not using the X11 display. I am wondering what kind of display it is using? I was able to compile it but when I ran it, I got this error:

PVR:(Warning): LoadWSModule: Window system module did not validate native display [98, /generic_ws.c]

PVR:(Warning): LoadWSModule: Window system module did not validate native display [98, /generic_ws.c]

PVR:(Warning): PVRSRVOpenDCDevice: Warning - 138 returned [80, /bridged_pvr_dc_glue.c]

ERROR: Bad drawable!

eglCreateWindowSurface failed (12299).

PVR:(Warning): PVRDRMSetFD: DRM fd already set [57, /pvr_bridge_u.c]

I am trying to render to texture and bypass displaying anything in any display. I am wondering if this can be done. Also is big texture dimension supported (3840x2160)?

The NonWS version is for platforms where there is no windowing system and applications render directly into the device’s framebuffer. If you are running on a platform with X11, you should use the X11 version.

As we’ve started discussing in this thread, there is probably a better way of solving this problem depending on what you need to do with the rendered data.

The biggest texture dimensions supported on all SGX cores is 2Kx2K. On some SGX’s, the maximum is 4Kx4K. For example, SGX540 (used in the Pandaboard and many other devices) has a 2Kx2K maximum texture size. SGX543 is an example of a GPU that supports 4Kx4K.



Thank you! Is there a way to find this 2kx2k number? Is it exactly 2048x2048?

Yes. It’s 2048x2048. The value cal be queried with:

GLint iVal;<br />
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &iVal);<br />

```<br />
<br />
The glGet* functions can be used to retrieve a number of other hardware specific values.<br />
<br />
Thanks,<br />