i code something app using egl in 3.1 SDK ,it works ok in window 8. but when i copy the app to windows xp ,it works ok,but crash on exit.
i try something and anlysis:
at beginning,i thinks it some difference between xp exe binary codes and win8 exe binary codes. i copy my c++ code to xp,and using visual studio 2010 rebuild app.
and then run app, it works ok,but when i exit app, it crash.
i debug it in visual studio 2010,i find it crash in flowning codes:
the codes in crtexe.c (vs lib code) line 565
if ( !managedapp )<br />
```<br />
the codes go into exit function and then crash。<br />
the last crash point at free.c(vc c lib code),line 50<br />
<code> retval = HeapFree(_crtheap, 0, pBlock);</code><br />
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i think it is some pointer operations errors in the app codes,i check my code and find nothing error,and the i copy code in 3.1 sdk Examples/Beginner/01_HelloAPI<br />
and build a app,it also crash on exit.<br />
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i think it some compiler config error in my visual studio? i run the app in 3.1 sdk Binaries/Windows_x86_32, the apps also crash on exit.<br />
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my result:<br />
so i think it is some bugs on 3.1 sdk, the bugs on egl part. and i think it may be some operations write arrays or pointer for buffer out of range,it makes some dynamic allocation flags in c lib errors.<br />
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