
Dear Team

unwrapping a model from 3ds max and next exporting a model messup the uv, impossible to get model right by my side, did you notice some similar experiences ?

it use to work well


Hey David,

We’ve not had any bug reports for PVRGeoPOD’s UV export from 3DS Max.

Are you using the default PVRGeoPOD config, or a custom one? If you are using a custom one, have you checked that the Data Type and channels (A0, A1, A2 & A3) are set correctly?


yes i did, this project were doing fine, i didnt releaze it before because i was working with color, it s when i started to go back to backing texture , i spent too much time with this tools, and some setting when you play with skinnning are really hard and not documented,it s not reliable and crash depending the version of 3ds max release, so i use obj wavefront format and it work ,pod is just good to store animation that is all, super upset but for the last times :slight_smile: , why continue to use a close tools ?? opengex is great at least you know what is going on to store mesh ,uv, scenenode you dont need to have a so unstable tools !

i spent too much time with this tools, and some setting when you play with skinnning are really hard and not documented,it s not reliable and crash depending the version of 3ds max release

If you report the crashes you've encountered and the problems you have found with our documentation, we will resolve them.

Our company policy is to only release utilities as binaries. If you have any questions of how to write a POD exporter using our Tools code and POD File Format Specification, we'd be happy to help :)


common Joe exporting mesh and UV…should not be that hard ? how many combox box can we put ? anyway i will never use it anymore sure thansk