Hello PVR Community,
I’m using the PVR libraries (libEGL.dll and libGLESv2.dll) for windows emulation of OpenGL ES 2.0. This has many advantages including assessment of functionality before deployment onto a hardware platform with Imagination GPU.
I’m using MSAA through the extension: “GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture”
My application with MSAA set to 2 samples runs at half the frame rate with MSAA turned off. My PC is using a nVidia 1070-Ti. Other computers with lesser GPUs will run at 1/10th the frame rate.
I’ve tried a number of the PVR tools including different emulations modes with PVRFrame. I’ve also tried PVRTune but the performance server cannot access GPU data (windows PC is not a PVR GPU).
So I don’t really have any options at this point other than not using MSAA, or living with the reduced performance when using Windows emulation.
Are there any ways to improve “GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture” with Windows?
Thanks and Best Regards,