Cannot build openvg samples in the SDK

Hi Admin,
I am having problems with the OpenVG SDK (Windows). On further inspection, I noticed that the Includes are missing from the /Build directory. That is:


Both directories are empty :frowning:

Also, the LibOpenVG.dll is missing as well… help?


By mistake we did not include the instructions about installing the libraries in our 'SDK User Guide' document. I am copying them below. Please, follow these instructions.



Windows PC Emulation

Requires a PC equipped with Windows XP and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 or .NET 2005. Note: If you use Microsoft Visual C++ Express Edition be sure to follow all of the instructions in the Microsoft Platform SDK <> .

1. Unpack the contents of this package to a local folder in the system. The project and solution files provided (.vcproj and .sln, for Microsoft Visual Studio 2003) do not require the SDK to be installed in a pre-defined location and are configured to use relative-paths.

2. The SDK package uses the OpenVG 1.1 Sample Reference Implementation available from Khronos that can be downloaded from Once downloaded copy the libs from ri_package_1.1lib into BuildsOVGWindowsPCLib within the SDK. Place the .dlls in ri_package_1.1binwin32 into a DLL-accessible directory prior to running the SDK applications (e.g. standard Windows directory or local directory). Also, copy the folder ri_package_1.1riinclude into BuildsOVGWindowsPC.