Command Line Rotation

Hi all,

I am trying to use CLI of PVRTexTool to convert a few images. One operation I have to do is to rotate the images by 180 degrees. How can I archiev this? I am trying to use ( -rotate z,+ ) following but I always get the same response:

PVRTexToolCLI.exe -i D:[path].jpg -rotate z,+ -f ETC1 -q etcfastperceptual -o D:[path].ktx
Error: Invalid values chosen for Rotate Direction. Please see -help for valid parameters.


Hi schaf82,

Thanks for bringing this bug to light. We have fixed it for our upcoming PowerVR Tools & SDK 2018 R1 which should be released soon.

One limitation of this rotation function, however, is that it can only rotate by 90 degrees for each operation. I suggest, once we’ve released the fix, that you rotate in two operations per texture…

PVRTexToolCLI.exe -i D:[path].jpg -rotate z,+ -f r8g8b8a8 -o D:[path].pvr
PVRTexToolCLI.exe -i D:[path].pvr -rotate z,+ -f ETC1 -q etcfastperceptual -o D:[path].ktx
