Hi there, I am a noob at this and I just got hired to create animations and graphics for an ipad app. We also have a programmer on the team.
I use maya for animations, and I keep them simple, couple of bones, but mostly animating locators etc. Now I used the PVRGeoPod to export my animation. This are the settings I used, they are basically the default settings in the instruction pdf.
Ive also tried many variations of the settings, and I honestly don’t know what I’m doing wrong. The pod file either keeps crashing the app or not loading up at all.
Would it be an exporting problem or a programming thing?
Any help at all would be appreciated.
Thanks so much
Hi there,
Well my programmer is able to load up other .pod files. I did try opening my files with PVRShaman, it seems to be playing the animations, but I dont think its reading the alpha files. There is a lot of grey going on. I emailed my scene file to the email along with the texture. You will be saving me if you can help me out.
Well my programmer is able to load up other .pod files. I did try opening my files with PVRShaman, it seems to be playing the animations, but I dont think its reading the alpha files. There is a lot of grey going on. I emailed my scene file to the email along with the texture. You will be saving me if you can help me out.
I have a human model with skinned animations. I can export only the model, not the skinned animation to .pod file. I don’t know why? whether the settings are wrong or whether i need to select the bone and shift select the model…or first the model and shift select the bone…
please help me…
Hi I was just having trouble with exporting skinned animation as well.
When I only select the object it doesn’t export the skinned animation, but when I sat ‘export all’ it plays the animation on pvrshaman without a problem, but it seems to be crashing the programmers app. What do you think the problem might be?