Problem with exports from .unitypackage to POD

Hi! I am trying to convert included in Unity-packages FBX-files to POD-files via Imgtec PVRGeoPod. Files are converted successfully, but without animations: when I run playback in PVRShaman image remain static.
What is wrong?


If the play button in PVRShaman is grayed out, the animation has not been exported. You might have disabled it by mistake in PVRGeoPOD. If the animation uses 'skinning" it might be that bones information have not been exported so everything will look like frozen.
If you point me to one of the files that does not work, I will have a look to see whether I can reproduce it.



Hi Carlos, thanks for reply!
I got playable animation when enable “export skinning data”, but image quality was extremily down.
So, can I send you file via e-mail?

Hi Stanislav,

What do you mean that the image quality is extremely “down”? PVRShaman will only apply diffuse textures unless you supply your own shaders. You can send me the file to



I sent source and the result files to your mail. Take note to the right paw of the animal. On another converted FBX-files I see the same problems.

Hi Stanislav,

I’ve got the file. I have had a look and it seems that the original model uses more than 4 bones per vertex. PVRGeoPOD supports only up to a maximum of 4 bones per vertex. The extra bones are ignored. Sadly, in this specific case some of the bones ignored are the main contributors to some of the vertices.
I will have a look at the rejection code to see whether I can fix this problem.



Hi Stanislav,

I have looked at this problem and it lays between PVRGeoPOD and PVRShaman: PVRShaman only considers the 3 first bones. If a relevant bone finish in the fourth position, it will be ignored and a not-contributing bone might take its place causing artifacts you have seen.
Sorting bones by weight will solve this issue so I am looking into adding this to PVRGeoPOD.

