Hi, i really hope someone can help me out:
i have a pandaboard running ubuntu trusry 14.04 pre-build binaries from Robelt Nelson files rootfs
i added some GUI into the Pandaboard ES sepecially i have installed openbox (sudo apt-get install openbox xinit pcmanfm chromium-browser xterm)
Now i downloaded the PowerVRSDKSetup-3.3_r2.runx86 i make it executable using the chmod +x PowerVRSDKSetup-3.3_r2.runx86
when i try to run it as a superuser : sudo ./PowerVRSDKSetup-3.3_r2.runx86 i got the following error
./PowerVRSDKSetup-3.3_r2.runx86 : 1: PowerVRSDKSetup-3.3_r2.runx86 : Syntax error :"(" unexpected
all the aboves steps was made on the Pandaboard ES itself and also on the openbox GUI
what did i did wrong ? is it possible to install the powervr sdk on the pandaboard ES running ubuntu trusty and openbox GUI ?
I will be grateful for any responses
Hello Abouzahir,
The file you refer to, PowerVRSDKSetup-3.3_r2.runx86, is intended for x86 platforms only. Pandaboard ES is an armv7 based platform.
Nevertheless, our SDK examples are built for X11 armv7 platforms such as the Pandaboard ES running Ubuntu.
To access these you will need to install the SDK on an x86 system first. The binaries can then be copied to the armv7 device.
thank you for your response, i did what you told me i installed the SDK on a x86 plateforme machine successfully
now what binaries should i copy to the Pandaboard?
the SDK was installed in /opt/Imagination/PowerVR/GraphicsSDK
thanks in advance
The following directory will contain binaries compiled for armv7 X11 platforms:
You can also try the Linux_armv7hf variant.
If these directories are not present then you will need to re-run the installer and choose to install the SDK with armv7 binaries.
The SDK also supports building the examples for the Pandaboard ES platform. Instructions are included as part of the SDK to do this.
If you need any more help please let me know.
HI Again Sir,
i installed the SDK on the x86 platform choosing the armv7 as a target platform i got the directories you mentioned above. now my questions is:
1- Those binaries in x11 directory are already built and ready to be executed?
2- my Pandaboard ES rev b3 running with ubuntu 14.04 console with openbox GUI, is it able to execute the compiled binaries ? although i dont have the power VR drivers installed yet, because the current drivers only support kernel 3.4 and this kernel can not be installed on the panda ES because of the new memory timing.
is this mean i can no longer run the demo until i get the drivers ?
and thank in you in advance
- Yes, the binaries are built and ready to execute against an X11 server.
- You will need to get the drivers as provided by the manufacturer of your platform.
Thanks, for your explication, i am stuck at the moment i cant run those binaries on panda ES until TI find a solution for the Panda ES rev b3 powervr drivers.
thanks again
Hi again Paul,
i finally have the SGX working on my pandaboard A3 with the drivers, and i was able to run the examples already built with the SDK my question is,
how to compile the source code for the examples in the SDK (OGLESHell2API) in the panda itself running ubuntu 12.04 LTS desktop?
i just need the required steps (makefile, library and so one ?)
or is it the SDK able to cross-compile the progs for the target platform armv7hf? if so how ?
and thank you very much
another question you said "The SDK also supports building the examples for the Pandaboard ES platform. Instructions are included as part of the SDK to do this. "
where are the instruction that show how to build the example using the SDK for a target plateform (armv7hf)???
I’ve taken a look at our documentation. Seems that the Linux hard-float build instructions are missing. I’ve reported the error as BRN50558 in our bug tracker. We will correct this for a future release.
You should be able to build for your target by passing “PLATFORM=Linux_armv7hf” to make.