Hi Gordon,
Thank for your response so quickly.
Could I ask more detail information about this question ?
In fact, I have tried to modify Print3D code.
in the PVRTPrint3DAPI.cpp
I find that there are two function which is relative with text.
The first one is APIDrawLogo.it will show the logo picture.
The second one is APIRenderStates.it seems like to show text on the screen.
in the APIDrawLogo()
I can rotate logo picture by calling PVRTMatrixRotationZ().It can work successfully.
in the APIRenderStates()
I try to rotate text by calling PVRTMatrixRotationZ().
but It cannot work successfully.
I can't rotate any angle by calling PVRTMatrixRotationZ
Once I modify the Matrix, the text will disappear on the screen.
Do you have any idea about this question ?
I'm very appreciate your response again.
in the PVRTPrint3DAPI.cpp
/* Set matrix with viewport dimensions */
for(i=0; i<16; i++)
Matrix.f[0] = (2.0f/(m_fScreenScale[0]*640.0f));
Matrix.f[5] = (-2.0f/(m_fScreenScale[1]*480.0f));
Matrix.f[10] = (1.0f);
Matrix.f[12] = (-1.0f);
Matrix.f[13] = (1.0f);
Matrix.f[15] = (1.0f);
/* Use the shader */
/* Bind the projection and modelview matrices to the shader */
int location = glGetUniformLocation(m_pAPI->m_ProgramObject, "myMVPMatrix");
glUniformMatrix4fv( location, 1, GL_FALSE, Matrix.f);