I have had problems when trying to start PVRTextool on Linux Ubuntu, but the executable file cannot be found anywhere.
Does anyone know how to solve it?
thank you for raising the issue. Here are steps to install PVRTexTool on Ubuntu:
Download from the link https://developer.imaginationtech.com/downloads/
Then in your terminal execute:
$ chmod +x PVRTexToolSetup-2023_R2.run-x64
$ ./PVRTexToolSetup-2023_R2.run-x64
Go through installation. After that, in PVRTexTool folder there are folders like CLI and GUI. Desktop verison of app is in folder …/PVRTexTool/GUI/Linux_x86_64/PVRTexToolGUI
I hope this solves your issue. Let me know if you encounter any problems.