I have installed the POD add-on in Blender 2.66a. It confirms that the modules have been installed, but when exporting I get the error message "Failed to load libPVRGeoPOD.dylib. Blender is running on a MBP running OSX 10.8.2.
Any advice would be appreciated.
As well as installing the script did you also copy the libPVRGeoPOD.dylib and Qt* files to Blender’s add-ons folder? The location of this folder can be found by entering bpy.utils.script_paths(“addons”) in Blender’s python console.
Thank you. Now works fine.
The magic bit was “bpy.utils.script_paths(“addons”)”. I had added the files to Blender.app …Contents …addons" instead of /Users/… Library/ApplicationSupport …"