I have a restriction that I can't use Maya or 3DMax.
I found Milkshape3D and DeleD have Collada exporters, and I can get a pod file
using the Collada2PODGUI. But using the code from OptimizeMesh tutorial, my model is not loaded properly, The shape is somewhat there but a lot of vertices seem to be linked improperly.
I have not been able to find any guidelines for exporting models.
Anyone has any sugestions or experiences to share??
Is the Collada2POD translator available for anything other than Windows? I use a Mac for my development.
Thanks, Jack
At the moment Collada2POD is only available for windows with a planned linux version for our next SDK release. We're also currently investigating porting it to run on a Mac.
Is the Collada2POD translator available for anything other than Windows? I use a Mac for my development. Thanks, Jack
At the moment Collada2POD is only available for windows with a planned linux version for our next SDK release. We're also currently investigating porting it to run on a Mac.
If not a native application, then a Mac X-windows app would be the next best thing, which would probably be easier to port from the Linux version.
Is the Collada2POD translator available for anything other than Windows? I use a Mac for my development. Thanks, Jack
At the moment Collada2POD is only available for windows with a planned linux version for our next SDK release. We're also currently investigating porting it to run on a Mac.
If not a native application, then a Mac X-windows app would be the next best thing, which would probably be easier to port from the Linux version.
Actually just a command line version that works on Mac OS X would be fine for me.